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14 декабря, 2021
The number of displaced atoms inside the cascade can be simply estimated using the Kichin — Pease formula9 or the modified Kichin-Pease formula (Norgett-Robinson-Torrens model or NRT model).1 , 1 According to this last model, the number of displaced atoms within the cascade in the case of a 22 keV PKA and using a displacement energy of Ed = 40 eV is np = 0.4i7r/Ed ~ 220. Because of the large mean free path of fast neutrons (several
centimeters), it can be considered that only one PKA is created by the incoming neutron going through the Zr cladding used in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) (with a thickness of 0.6 mm). Therefore, if the PKA creation rate per unit volume within the cladding is known for a typical fuel assembly in a PWR (with typical fast neutron flux is 5 x 1017 nm-2 s-1 (E > 1 MeV)), the number of displaced atoms per unit volume and per second can be computed. From this value, the overall number of displacements per atom (dpa) and per second can be simply computed. This calculation can be achieved, as described by Luneville et at., by taking into account the PWR neutron spectrum as well as the neutron-atom differential cross section. It can be shown that a typical damage rate for a cladding in a PWR core is between 2 and 5 dpa year- , depending on the neutron flux history. This means that each atom of the cladding has been displaced 2-5 times per year! A more accurate correspondence between the fast fluence and the damage for a cladding in a PWR is provided by Shishov et a/.12 These authors evaluate that a fluence of 6 x 102 4 nm 2 (E > 1 MeV) corresponds to a damage of 1 dpa.
This simple approach gives a good description of the number of displaced atoms during the creation of the cascade, but does not consider intracascade elastic recombinations that occur during the cascade relaxation or cooling-down phase.11,13,14 In addition, this approach does not give any information on the form of the remaining damage at the end of the cascade, such as the point-defect clusters that can be created in the cascade.
In order to have a better understanding of the created damage in a-zirconium, several authors have
performed MD computations also using different types of interatomic potentials. It is shown that, at the end of the cascade creation (<2 ps), the cascade is composed of a core with a high vacancy concentration, and the self interstitial atoms (SIAs) are concentrated at the cascade periphery.14-16 The cascade creation is followed by the athermal cascade relaxation that can last for a few picoseconds. During this phase, most of the displaced atoms quickly reoccupy lattice sites as a result of prompt (less than a lattice vibration period, 0.1 ps) elastic recombination if a SIA and a vacancy are present at the same time in the elastic recombination volume (with 200 ^ <V<400 ^, where V is the elastic recombination volume and ^ the atomic volume.17) Wooding eta/.16 and Gao eta/.8 have shown that at the end ofthe cascade relaxation the number of surviving point defects is very low, much lower, only 20% at 600 K, than the number of Frenkel pairs computed using the NRT model. It is also shown that all the point defects are not free to migrate but that small point-defect clusters are created within the cascade. This clustering is due to short-range diffusion driven by the large elastic interaction among neighboring point defects and small point-defect clusters. In the case of zirconium, large point-defect clusters, up to 24 vacancies and 25 SIAs (at 600 K), can be found at the end of the cascade relaxation (Figure 1).8 According to Woo eta/.,14 the presence of these small point-defect clusters spatially separated from each other, as well as the different concentrations of single vacancies and SIAs, can have a major impact on the subsequent microstructural evolution. This effect is known as the production bias, which has to be considered when solving the rate equations in the mean-field approach of point-defect evolution.14
The form of these small clusters is also of major importance since it plays a role on the nucleation of dislocation loops. Wooding et a/.16 and Gao et a/.8 have shown that the small SIA clusters are in the form of dislocation loops with the Burgers vector 1/3(1120). The collapse of the 24-vacancy cluster to a dislocation loop on the prism plane was also found to occur.
Historically, the influence of differences in dpa rate across small cores was perceived as an effect of temperature on swelling rate rather than a flux effect, primarily because it was difficult to separate the influence ofdpa, dpa rate, and temperature in limited data fields from small cores. While it was recognized for many years that there was some effect of dpa rate to determine the transient duration, until rather recently the full strength of the rate effect was underappreciated.
The new appreciation for the strong influence of dpa rate arises from two categories of studies conducted over the past decade. The first type involved direct single variable comparisons of the effect of dpa rate on swelling. The second category involved the examination of components irradiated at very low dpa rates and often at temperatures below the previously perceived lower limit of swelling. Category I of dpa rate effects
Three examples of the first category of dpa rate studies are presented here. The first experiment by Garner and coworkers involved the examination (density change and microscopy) of five unfueled hexagonal subassemblies constructed of a single heat of annealed AISI 304 stainless steel irradiated for many years in the reflector rows 8, 9, 10, and blanket row 14 of the EBR-II fast reactor.139,140 These components were chosen because they were made of the same steel used to construct the baffle-former-barrel assembly of PWR internals and the hexagonal subassemblies spanned the full range of dpa rates and temperatures found in the most swelling-vulnerable parts of the PWR baffle-former assembly.
The EBR-II experiment isolated the effect of dpa rate by concentrating on a limited range of temperatures (373-388 °C), but covering a very large range of dpa rates (0.06-3.8 x 10~7dpas_1), with no significant difference in He/dpa ratio. The data in Figure 52 clearly shows that the transient regime of swelling is progressively shortened as the dpa rate decreases, such that only 10 dpa is required to reach 1% swelling in row 14. In a previous publication it was shown that 30-50 dpa were required to exceed 1% swelling when data were collected at these temperatures from rows 2 to 4 inside the EBR-II core at higher dpa rates.141 In this experiment the swelling rates at the highest doses reached are still far from the 1% per dpa known to be a characteristic of this alloy (Figure 53).
Voids and carbide precipitates were found in all examined specimens with swelling ranging as high as 2.8%. Examples of the void microstructure and its sensitivity to dpa rate are shown in Figure 54.1 2 Universally, it was found that lower dpa rates at a given temperature increased the swelling.
The second series of experiments were reported by Okita and coworkers and involved simple model alloys, ternary Fe15Cr16Ni and quaternary Fe15Cr16Ni-0.25Ti, with very low levels of other solutes.143-145 These alloys have no possibility to be involved in segregation-induced precipitation of Ni-rich phases, so any dependence on dpa rate must involve the evolution only of voids, loops, and dislocations.
These simple austenitic alloys were irradiated in the FFTF fast reactor with actively controlled temperatures near 400 °C at seven different dpa rates. Measurement techniques used were density change
and microscopy. Multiple specimens were irradiated side-by-side and the measured swelling was remarkably reproducible.
Figure 55 shows swelling for five of the seven dpa rates where there was a progressive shortening of the transient regime as the dpa rate decreased. At the lower two dpa rates (not shown here) the transient regime had decreased to less than 1 dpa. Most importantly, the steady-state swelling rate appeared to be approaching or to have reached 1% per dpa at all seven dpa rates. The most illuminating observation came from the microscopy, however, showing that the
microstructural feature most prominently associated with attaining the steady-state swelling rate was the loss of all Frank loops and the establishment of a glissile rather than sessile dislocation structure.
In a companion experiment the ternary Fe15Cr16Ni alloy was irradiated over a range of temperatures using nickel ions at three much higher dpa rates; it was shown that while voids can nucleate in a highly sessile microstructure, they cannot grow at a high rate.146 Most importantly, it was confirmed that increases in dpa rate led to a progressive decrease in swelling even in sessile networks.
Whereas most void swelling models focus on the rate dependence of void nucleation and growth, Okita showed by microscopy that the effect of dpa rate was most strongly manifested in the Frank loop population. High dpa rates produced a high density of loops of smaller size, while low dpa rates produced fewer loops at larger size. The latter ensemble is more prone to unfaulting, the first step toward producing a glissile microstructure. Denser ensembles at smaller sizes resisted unfaulting for a longer period. Thus the dependence of transient duration on dpa rate arose primarily from its influence on the stability against loop unfaulting.
In the third series of experiments, Budylkin prepared two experimental alloy series to be irradiated in very similar neutron spectra in both the BOR-60 and BN-350 fast reactors at nearly identical temperatures and dpa levels.147 The first four-alloy series was Fe-16Cr-15Ni-3Mo-0.6Nb-0.6Mn-0.06C — 0.008P but varying in silicon content from 0.4 to 1.2 wt%. The second three-alloy series contained the 0.63% silicon variant from the first series and two other alloys where 0.15% titanium either was added to or replaced the 0.6% Nb.
The irradiations proceeded at 5.06 x 10~7dpas_1 and 480 °C in BOR-60 and at 1.58 x 10~6dpas_1 and 490 °C in BN-350. Thus there was approximately a factor of three difference in dpa rate. As shown in Figure 56, significantly higher swelling was uniformly observed in the lower flux irradiation in BOR-60, regardless of alloy composition.
The previous section included a description of how the effect of radiation damage on the bulk properties of ferritic steels was established from the 1950s and how critical insight into the important role of Cu arose in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Equivalent advances in mechanistic understanding did not occur for another 10 or 15 years.
The improved mechanistic understanding in the 1980s had its origin in the identification of the controlling variables that emerged from the experiments discussed in Section 4.05.3. This stimulated considerable interest on the possible role of elements such as Cu in the embrittlement process. The other, possibly more important, reason was that in the 1970s there were only a few microstructural techniques available for characterizing irradiation damage. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the dominant technique, could not resolve the irradiation-induced damage in steels that resulted in a significant change in mechanical properties.14 However, in the mid-1980s there was an explosion of information resulting from the application of a range of different and improved microstructural techniques. These techniques have now been applied to PWR, BWR, and Magnox steels irradiated in surveillance locations of power reactors and to representative materials irradiated in materials testing reactors.
A more recent advance that is highly relevant to developing detailed mechanistic insight is the advent of ‘multiscale’ modeling. Here, the power of modern computing tools is such that microstructural development (and the resultant change in mechanical properties) can be modeled across the various length and timescales involved in RPV embrittlement. Such models are subject to intense R&D and the current capability can be seen in Wirth et a/.,42 Soneda et al.,43 Becquart,44 and Domain et a/.45 However, these models have not, as yet, made a direct impact on the development of DDRs and so the current state of multiscale modeling is not reviewed here.
The irradiation effect on nanoindentation hardness of Rohm and Haas CVD SiC in a fluence range of 0.1-18.7 dpa is summarized in Figure 15. It is interesting to note that the nanoindentation hardness exhibits relatively small scatter for the individual experiments, and the trend in data as a function of temperature is uniform. This observation is in contrast to both the flexural strength and the indentation fracture toughness data, which indicate a broad peak at an intermediate temperature and a relatively large scatter. It is worth noting that nanoindentation hardness of brittle ceramics is, in general, determined primarily by the dynamic crack extension resistance in the near surface bulk material, and therefore should be more relevant to fracture toughness than to plastic deformation resistance. However, surface effects of the original sample affect the nanoindentation hardness less, as the samples are generally polished prior to testing. Fracture Toughness of Monolithic SiC
The effect of irradiation on the fracture toughness of Rohm and Haas CVD SiC is summarized in Figure 16. This compilation plots data using the Chevron notched beam technique, although the bulk of the
data sets report Vicker’s or nanoindentation generated data.55-57 The general trend is that the irradiation-induced toughening seems to be significant at 573-1273 K for the indentation fracture toughness data, in spite of the decrease in elastic modulus, which confirms the increase in fracture energy caused by irradiation. The scatter of the indentation fracture toughness data among different experiments is likely caused by both the condition of the sample surface and the lack ofstandardized experimental procedures. Typically, indentation should be applied on the polished surfaces, but conditions of polishing are not always provided in literature. Moreover, the crack length measurements are done using optical microscopy, conventional scanning electron microscopy (SEM), or field emission SEM, all of which may give very different crack visibility. In addition, a few different models have been used for derivation of the fracture toughness. In conclusion, indentation fracture toughness techniques can be used only for qualitative comparison within a consistent set of experiments. It is noted that the experiment employing the Chevron notched beam technique also indicates the irradiation-induced toughening, although scatters of toughness values were even greater. These results lead to the conclusion that, in the intermediate irradiation temperature range, the increase of the fracture toughness of SiC exists.
| Precipitation-induced cracking
Solid-state cracks in welds often occur near the time/ temperature regime of a phase transformation in which the local stress or strain produced from the phase transformation interacts with global stresses in the weldment and results in cracking. This basic phenomenon has several different names based on the alloy system it occurs in and includes ‘ductility
dip’ cracking in low-strength nickel-based alloys and stainless steels,10’18 ‘strain-age’ cracking in precipitation hardenable nickel — and iron-based alloys,1 — ‘reheat cracking’ in 2%Cr-1Mo-type steels,2 and ‘subsolidus cracking’ in titanium alloys.23
Ductility dip cracking has been studied in detail by Young and Capobianco, who provide a good example of how this phenomenon occurs.18 The cracking derives its name from the corresponding
loss of tensile ductility in the homologous temperature range (~0.4—0.9 Tm) that corresponds to the time/temperature regime of the precipitation of a partially or fully coherent second phase. In low — strength nickel-chromium alloys, the ductility dip occurs during on-cooling from a peak temperature high enough to solutionize existing carbides and cause intergranular precipitation of the detrimental phase (M23C6 carbides, in this case).
The relationship between the precipitation kinetics of the detrimental phase and the macroscopic tensile ductility is shown in Figure 9, which compares a calculated TTT plot for M23C6 precipitation in a Ni-29Cr-9Fe-0.01C (wt%) alloy (i. e., an analog to EN52/Alloy 690), with experimental on-cooling tensile ductility data for the alloy.10 As shown, if very rapid cooling suppresses precipitation, there is no ductility loss (region 1). The ductility minimum occurs near the nose of the precipitation curve when the local strain contribution from intergranular carbide precipitation is maximized (region 2). Ductility recovery occurs as precipitation progresses because local misfit strains decrease as chromium depletion occurs and as misfit dislocations are generated (region 3). Ductility is restored when precipitation is complete (region 4).
In Figure 10, the stages of ductility dip crack formation are outlined, in which (often in reheated weld metal of a multipass weld or in the base metal heat-affected zone) (Cr, Fe)23C6 carbides preferentially nucleate during on-cooling on grain boundaries with partial, cube-on-cube coherency (Figure 10(a)). Due to misfit strains, tension develops between the carbides, producing intermittent microscopic cracking (Figure 10(b)). Upon the development of global stresses (e. g., from thermal strains on-cooling or applied during hot ductility testing), these cracks often link up
and form the classic ‘ductility dip’ crack (Figure 10(c)), that is, an intergranular crack that typically extends < 1 grain in length. Compared to a solidification-type crack, the fracture surfaces of these solid-state cracks show less evidence of the underlying dendritic structure and are littered with (Cr, Fe)23C6-type carbides.24 Figure 10(d) illustrates how the misfit strain between the carbide and matrix increases with increasing chromium concentration in the alloy. In part, this explains why 30 wt% alloys (A690 and EN52) are more susceptible to this defect than their lower chromium counterparts (A600/E-182).
The transient nature of ductility loss with time and temperature, which are important dependencies cannot be explained by other proposed mechanisms for this solid-state cracking.2 -32 Specifically, in the Ni-Cr alloys of interest to nuclear systems, neither impurity segregation (at least at ‘typical’ levels of <50 wt ppm sulfur, <100 wt ppm P in the bulk alloy) nor grain boundary sliding plays a significant role in cracking. For example, if sulfur is migrating to grain boundaries at ^870 °C (1600 °F), ductility would not be expected to recover after short hold times (~10s as shown in Figure 9). Similarly, the temperature dependence of the ductility minimum must be explained, as the effect of embrittling agents
such as sulfur should persist to low homologous
Similarly, if grain boundary sliding were contributing to the intergranular fracture, the fastest quenched sample in Figure 9 should show the most embrittlement, that is, where sliding would be favored by a microstructure without carbides to pin the grain boundaries.29,30 A relative grain-by-grain map of the plastic strains from samples strained to 5 and 10% in the ductility dip temperature range (Figure 11) shows direct evidence against the
Figure 8 Illustration of intergranular liquation-type cracks in a low-alloy steel. The cracks occurred in both the partially melted zone and heat-affected zone along prior austenite grain boundaries (top) and subsequent analysis of crack surfaces via Auger electron microscopy identified bands of MnS-type sulfide inclusions (bottom).
notion that solid-state cracking is caused by sliding, that is, the uniformity of slip with some strain accumulation (yellow and red areas) near the ductility dip cracks. If grain boundary sliding played a role in ductility dip cracking, there would be less strain contrast near the cracks, not more, as this technique is sensitive only to the diffraction pattern rotation produced by dislocations.
The scenario of weld cracking occurring in the time/temperature regime of precipitation of a partially or fully coherent second phase is also well
recognized as controlling strain-age or ‘reheat’-type cracking in y’/y"-strengthened alloys.10,18,20,21,33 While susceptibility to reheat cracking is often plotted as a function of the aluminum and titanium content of the alloy, a more fundamental correlation based on the transformation kinetics and precipitate/ matrix mismatch of the alloy is possible.18 As shown in Figure 12, alloys with high susceptibility to strain — age cracking display fast transformation kinetics and a large negative precipitate/matrix mismatch (i. e., tension develops between precipitates).
As transformation stresses are displaced to longer times and precipitation-induced stresses become compressive, weldability is improved. However, while weldability is increased by displacing precipitation — induced stresses to longer times, hot workability is often degraded for the same reasons.
It is notable that some titanium alloys undergo a tensile ductility loss when tested near the p! a transformation.23,34,35 While the authors do not know of equivalent research on zirconium alloys, these alloys could also be susceptible to this form of precipitation — induced cracking (PIC). Mechanistically, this could be caused by the nucleation of a from the p-phase
if the (110)pk(0001)a is significant, or from some other phase with partial coherency (e. g., HCP Laves on HCP-a).
1. Care must be taken when interpreting graphite data because of the variety of fast neutron dose units used. Older data in particular should be treated with care.
2. ‘Graphite damage’ has been equated to activation of nickel at a standard position in DIDO. This can now be calculated and equated to dpa.
3. ‘Graphite damage’ may also be equated to channel burnup which can also be equated to dpa.
4. ‘Graphite damage’ can also be equated to En > 0.18 MeV.
5. EDT is not applicable to irradiation temperatures above 300 °C; there is some evidence that it may be applicable below 300 ° C.
There are conversion factors between all these units but these are subject to various degrees of uncertainty.
The theory originally developed by Simmons in the 1960s reported in detail by Hall et al61 relating the polycrystalline dimensional change rate and CTE with crystallite dimensional change rate, and CTE has been further developed95 in an attempt to explain the shape of the graphite irradiation creep behavior at high dose. The proposed theory argues that if the dimensional change rate in polycrystalline graphite can be related to the CTE, and because irradiation creep has been observed to modify CTE of the loaded specimen differently to that seen in unloaded specimens, changing the CTE by creep would be expected to change the dimensional change rate and hence, the dimensional change in the loaded specimen. This leads to the introduction of the so-called ‘interaction strain.’ The theory behind this methodology is described below.
Considering two specimens (a crept specimen and an unloaded control) being irradiated under identical conditions; in the unloaded control specimen, by applying the Simmons equations, the bulk dimensional change rate gx and bulk CTE ax can be defined by
g (1 AX)g! ^
ax (1 Ax)aa ^ Axac [58]
Therefore, the difference between the dimensional change rates ofthe unloaded and loaded specimen is gx=gT(y—a: 1621 |