Summary of Fast Neutron Dose (Fluence)

1. Care must be taken when interpreting graphite data because of the variety of fast neutron dose units used. Older data in particular should be treated with care.

2. ‘Graphite damage’ has been equated to activation of nickel at a standard position in DIDO. This can now be calculated and equated to dpa.

3. ‘Graphite damage’ may also be equated to channel burnup which can also be equated to dpa.

4. ‘Graphite damage’ can also be equated to En > 0.18 MeV.

5. EDT is not applicable to irradiation temperatures above 300 °C; there is some evidence that it may be applicable below 300 ° C.

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There are conversion factors between all these units but these are subject to various degrees of uncertainty.