Post-yield deformation: Macroscopic behavior

Concerning the mechanical behavior beyond the YS, it is pointed out by several authors97,115,116 that for RXA zirconium alloys, the strain hardening rate is higher after irradiation at the onset of plastic flow but decreases rapidly with the plastic strain, more rapidly than before irradiation, resulting in a low strain hard­ening capability, and therefore in little difference between YS and UTS.2 This strong decrease of the strain hardening rate is believed to be the cause of the early localization of the plastic strain at the specimen scale, observed particularly in RXA zirconium alloys, which leads to a strong decrease of the uniform elon-


gation, as reported by numerous authors.

Several authors112,118-120 have shown that, for RXA zirconium alloys, this apparent or macroscopic loss of ductility is related to the early localization of the plastic strain inside shear bands, the failure mode remaining ductile with dimples.97,112,117,121,122 The material does not become brittle considering the frac­ture mode but localizes all the plastic strain in a limited part of the specimen, which leads, at the specimen scale, to a very low, uniform elongation (Figures 12 and 13). As the irradiation-induced hardening increases with the fluence, the uniform elongation decreases rap­idly with the fluence from 10% to values lower than 1 % for RXA alloys at 350 °C, and saturates from a fluence of 5 x 1024 nm~2.92 As for the irradiation-induced hardening, the SRA and RXA zirconium alloys exhibit similar uniform elongation at saturation.100 Some authors96,117 suggest that there is a minimum of uniform elongation for RXA zirconium alloys for testing tem­peratures between 300 and 400 °C. This loss of ductility could be due to an additional hardening that can occur in this temperature range because of the trapping of oxygen atoms by the loops,117 as already observed using microhardness tests.101 For testing temperatures above 400 °C, the ductility is progressively recovered as shown by Garde.117