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14 декабря, 2021
Like sugar cane, sugar beet can also be used to obtain bioethanol by fermenting and distilling its juice. The beet is first cut into thin slices, then placed in contact with a medium (water or juice extracted from a previous process) and brought up to a temperature of about 70-80°C. In the case of sugar beet, temperature is a fundamental extraction parameter because it must be high enough to rupture the proteins in the cell walls containing the sugars, which has the effect of allowing the sugars to spread through the medium. Once this process has been completed, the sugar beet pulp is dried and sold as animal feed or to the pharmaceutical industry for use in the production of citric acid and its esters. The beet juice proceeds instead through the stages that convert it into bioethanol. At plants where sugar and bioethanol are both produced together, the juice can either be used directly or it can be concentrated in evaporators and stored for several months. Both the fresh and the concentrated sugar juice can be used in production processes involving cold crystallization and fermentation. The fermentation process relies on the use of yeasts (preferably Saccharomyces cerevisiae) or bacteria such as Zymomonas mobilis (Linde et al., 1998), which is only used in the case of a discontinuous fermentation. The great interest focusing on the bacteria is due to their capacity to convert the glucose into ethanol more efficiently than yeasts succeed in doing. Figure 4 shows the flow chart for the production of bioethanol and byproducts from sugar beet.
Fig. 3. Flow chart for bioethanol, energy and sugar production from sugar cane
Fig. 4. Flow chart for the production of bioethanol and byproducts from sugar beet |
The test plant, named "Norin Green No. 1" (Fig. 8), was utilized to obtain data for heat yield and methanol yield through the gasification and biomethanol synthesis system shown in Fig. 2. The test plant comprises a supplier of crushed biomass, a gasifier for gasification, and an apparatus for gas purification and methanol synthesis by the use of a Cu/Zn-based catalyst. The practical methanol yield of crushed waste wood (ca. 1 mm in diameter) produced by pin-type-mill was also measured by operating both "Norin Green No. 1" test plant at Nagasaki Research and Development Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries ltd. with a gasifier capacity of 240 kg dry biomass/day and another test plant at Kawagoe Power Station of Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. with a gasifier capacity of 2 t dry biomass/day (Matsumoto et al. 2008).
Table 7 indicates the heat yield and methanol yield of the two test plants (the test plant gasifier can process 240 kg/ day (Norin Green No. 1 test plant) or 2t/day (a test plant constructed by Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc) of dry biomass) by operating these plants, when crushed waste wood is utilized as a raw material, and the estimated capacity of a commercial scale plant (a gasifier capable of processing 100 t/day of dry biomass). The commercial scale plant would be large enough (larger than 100 t/day) to maintain critical temperature (900 to 1,000°C) within the gasifier by adding the raw materials into the gasifier without the addition of supplemental heat. Our data indicate that the estimated heat yield of methanol production by commercial scale plants is 54 — 59 % (Fig. 7). However, the real heat yield of a commercial scale plant after reducing the energy needed for crushing of the biomass (1.0 — 5.0 % of the quantity of heat; biomass feedstock with 2-3 mm in diameter is available), operation of the plant (5 — 10 %), and heat loss from the surface of the gasifier (1-2 %), estimated by simulation using the test plant data will be ca. 40 %.
The cold gas efficiency, that represents a percentage of the total heating value of synthesized gases by gasification divided by the total heating value of supplied biomass of the test plant, varies from 65 to 70% and methanol yield varied from 9 to 13% in the "Norin Green No. 1" test plant. Heat yield and methanol yield of another test plant capable of processing 2 t/day constructed by Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. with the support of New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Project, has, however, achieved ca. 20% of methanol yield by weight by its operation (Ishii et al. 2005; Matsumoto et al. 2008; Ogi et al. 2008).
Item |
Test Plant |
Practical Plant |
(Gasifier Size: Dry biomass to be processed) |
(240kg/ day) |
(2t/day) |
(100t/ day) |
Heat Yield (Heating Value %) Methanol Yield (by weight) |
60-70% 9-13% |
65% 20% |
70-75% 40-50% |
Table 7. Ability of test plants and estimated practical plant. |
Water and sediment contamination are basically housekeeping issues for biodiesel. Water can be present in two forms, either as dissolved water or as suspended water droplets. While biodiesel is generally considered to be insoluble in water, it actually takes up considerably more water than diesel fuel. Biodiesel can contain as much as 1500 ppm of dissolved water while diesel fuel usually only takes up about 50 ppm (Van Gerpen et al., 1997). The standards for diesel fuel (ASTM D 975) and biodiesel (ASTM D 6751) both limit the amount of water to 500 ppm. For petroleum-based diesel fuel, this actually allows a small amount of suspended water. However, biodiesel must be kept dry. This is a challenge because many diesel storage tanks have water on the bottom due to condensation. Suspended water is a problem in fuel injection equipment because it contributes to the corrosion of the closely fitting parts in the fuel injection system.
Water can also contribute to microbial growth in the fuel. This problem can occur in both biodiesel and conventional diesel fuel and can result in acidic fuel and sludges that will plug fuel filters. Sediment may consist of suspended rust and dirt particles or it may originate from the fuel as insoluble compounds formed during fuel oxidation. Some biodiesel users have noted that switching from petroleum-based diesel fuel to biodiesel causes an increase in sediment that comes from deposits on the walls of fuel tanks that had previously contained diesel fuel. Because its solvent properties are different from diesel fuel, biodiesel may loosen these sediments and cause fuel filter plugging during the transition period.
Besides the renewability of raw materials used for their production, alcohol fuels are reported to be advantageous over petroleum derived ones thanks to their better environmental characteristics. The oxygen contained in alcohol molecules is supposed to affect combustion process and cause soot and particulate reduction; some studies show that there is the potential for reduction of NOx emissions. While there was much information collected about the use and combustion behaviour of lower-molecular weight alcohols, such as methanol and ethanol, substantially less effort was yet put to the research of the properties of butanol (especially n-butanol as a product of fermentation during ABE process) upon their use in internal combustion engines.
For the evaluation of emission characteristics, it is very important to study combustion processes at different air/fuel ratio and thermodynamic conditions. The combustion of neat butanol as well as its mixtures with other fuels or chemicals was studied (Agathou & Kyritis, 2011; Broustail et al., 2011; Dagaut & Togbe, 2008; Sarathy et al., 2009) to obtain combustion velocities and kinetic data for modelling processes of butanol oxidation at the conditions of engine cylinder. However, it must be noted that real-world emissions level is affected by the interaction between fuel itself and the engine used, mainly its fuel injection system and engine control unit together with emission control systems — catalytic converters, particulate filters, exhaust recirculation etc.
Although butanol properties (boiling point, viscosity, octane number) predetermine it for the use in spark ignition engines as a partial substitute for conventional gasoline, a number of studies were carried out using butanol/diesel fuel mixtures in compression ignition engines. The addition of butanol (or other alcohols) significantly increases volatility and decrease lubricity of diesel fuel, which requires additional measurements for their use in today’s diesel engines. Yao (Yao et al., 2010) studied emission characteristics of CI engine using diesel fuel containing 0 % to 15 % v/v n-butanol. By varying exhaust gas recirculation rates, they kept NOx emissions constant, while CO and PM (particulate matter) emissions significantly decreased with the concentration of n-butanol in the fuel. Rakopoulos et al. (Rakopoulos et al., 2010a) compared conventional diesel fuel, diesel fuel with 30% biodiesel (FAME), and biodiesel with 25 % n-butanol in turbo-charged CI truck engine; the experiments were focused on transient regimes causing temporary increase of pollutant emissions. Both FAME and butanol helped to improve the particulate emissions in the transient engine regimes, but in both cases the emissions of NOx increased. In stationary regimes at different engine speed and load, the authors (Rakopoulos et al., 2010b) determined emissions of all regulated pollutants. In all cases, the positive effect of butanol in diesel fuel was found on the emissions of particulates, NOx, and carbon dioxide, whereas hydrocarbon emissions slightly increased.
Much greater potential and possibility of utilization without necessity to solve technical problems has butanol used as a partial substitute of motor gasoline. The total miscibility with hydrocarbons, boiling point, flash point and other properties allow mixing butanol with gasoline in wide range of concentrations and combustion in common spark ignition engines. In comparison to other alcohols in the range of Q to C5 mixed to gasoline in concentrations matching fuel oxygen content, butanol does not differ significantly in its effect on the emissions of regulated pollutants (Yacoub et al., 1998). The emissions of total hydrocarbons decrease, while significant increase takes place in the emissions of aldehydes, whose main constituent was formaldehyde.
One of the substantial drawbacks connected with the use of alcohols in SI engines is the problem of cold starts especially in winter conditions. Difficulties caused mainly by high heat of vaporization have to be eliminated by greater enrichment of air/fuel mixture in the period in which the engine heats up. This, on the other hand, can bring an increase in emissions of unburned or partially burned fuel due to near zero efficiency of catalytic converter in the early period after engine start. Irimescu (2010) modelled the situation for gasoline/butanol mixtures at different ambient temperatures and successfully verified the results with those obtained in experiments with a port injection engine.
The effect of butanol (or other alcohols) use in spark ignition engines depends also on the technique of fuel injection before its ignition in engine cylinder. Conventional way to prepare air/fuel mixture is the injection of fuel into the engine intake manifold, where it evaporates and the mixture is drawn to the cylinder in the suction cycle. Some engine manufacturers offer engines equipped with direct injection of fuel into the cylinder. Such engines allow the use of advanced techniques of emission control, such as lean (stratified) mixture combustion connected with the use of sequential injection. The direct injection engine was used by Cooney (Cooney et al., 2006), who investigated the effect of ethanol and butanol in blends with gasoline used in a series of engine tests conducted at varied loads. They reported the increase in engine efficiency at higher engine loads by a 4% with either 85 % n-butanol or 85 % ethanol. The efficiency is reported to be affected by lower octane number of n-butanol, even though knock combustion was not observed, and, on the other hand, by the higher flame speed of alcohols. Faster combustion can increase the efficiency if combustion timing was adjusted, while lower octane number should decrease it.
In contrast to modern engines of current passenger cars, there are still applications where carburetted engines or engines with open-loop control of fuel injection are used, without the ability to compensate for air-fuel ratio of specific fuels. In such cases, butanol blends result in approximately 50% enleanment connected with oxygen content in fuel, compared to ethanol. The authors evaluated the effect of the use of butanol-gasoline mixtures on pollutants emission of four different passenger cars equipped with spark ignition engines — from older Euro 2 vehicle to modern multipoint injection turbocharged one. As a baseline, unleaded gasoline with addition of 4 % ethanol was used. Mixtures containing butanol were prepared by addition of 10 %, 20 %, and 30 % pure synthetic n-butanol to the same gasoline. The properties of the mixtures were modified with small amounts of isooctane, toluene, and petroleum ether to keep their octane number and vapour pressure, which deteriorated by the addition of butanol. Four test vehicles manufactured by Skoda were used with different engine displacement, power, and technology level (see Table 5).
The emission tests were performed on a vehicle dynamometer according to ECE 83 emission test with the determination of CO, HC, and NOx emissions during two driving cycles. In addition to the measurement of regulated emissions, samples were taken during both phases of ECE 83 test for determination of individual hydrocarbons and aldehydes. Basic
engine parameters were monitored during the tests using an engine diagnostic unit to detect possible abnormal operation states of engine control unit.
Vehicle type |
Year of manufacture |
Engine displacement [cm3] |
Maximum power [kW] |
Engine characteristics |
Felicia Euro 2 |
1999 |
1289 |
50 |
Multi-point injection, four-cylinder |
Fabia Euro4 |
2004 |
1198 |
47 |
Multi-point injection, three-cylinder |
Octavia Euro4 |
2004 |
1781 |
110 |
Multi-point injection, 20V, five-cylinder, turbocharged |
Table 5. Characteristics of vehicles used for emission tests |
![]() |
The addition of butanol to the fuels used caused only little change in regulated emissions (Fig. 6) measured in ECE 83 test. Although more significant changes were found in emission levels determined in individual ECE 83 test phases, with regard to regulated pollutants, total values show only the increase in NOx emissions for all three vehicles. As expected, the use of butanol caused also small increase in emissions of aldehydes, whose main constituent was formaldehyde.
Fig. 6. Effect of butanol in gasoline fuel on emissions of regulated pollutants (CO, HC, NOx) and aldehydes in ECE 83.03 emission test
The significance of the presented fermentation data lies in several fields:
• methodologically — fluorescence staining and flow cytometry proved to be very useful tools for nearly on-line evaluation of physiological state of clostridial population during the fermentation. Both method of discrimination of acidogenic/solventogenic status of individual cells based on fluorescence alternative to Gram staining and vitality staining by bisoxonol were never applied on bacteria of the genus Clostridium.
• the greatest attention was concentrated on the strain C. pasteurianum NRRL B-598 which was never studied before in such detail. The comparison of three types of fermentation arrangements, batch, fed-batch and continuous represents the unique set of data not usually available for the tested butanol producers. As the strain had somewhat distinct physiology from type C. pasteurianum strains and flow cytometry analysis displayed very short acidogenic metabolic phase and presumable overlapping of acidogenic and solventogenic phases, the strain itself and its behaviour is worth further investigation. Moreover, the strain can also be regarded the very promising hydrogen producer
• the best fermentation parameters, yield of ABE 37% and ABE productivity 0.40 g. LAh-1, were achieved using sugar beet juice as the feedstock and C. beijerinckii CCM 6182 as the microbial agent. In Europe and especially in the Czech Republic, the sugar beet has a potential to become significant source of sugar utilizable for non-food purposes. The abilities and the fermentation characteristics of the strain C. beijerinckii CCM 6182 (and neither its analog C. beijerinckii ATCC 17795) has not been studied intensively although the strain behaved like C. pasteurianum NRRL B-598 i. e. favourable butanol production kinetics consisting in onset of butanol formation during exponential growth phase was its typical feature.
• the preliminary experiments dealing with gas stripping as potential concentration and/or separation method for solvents from the fermented media confirmed feasibility of this solution under certain assumptions. The gas stripping must not affect adversely the fermentation and cost of the solvents transition from the gas into liquid phases must be minimized. However further ideally pilot experiments are necessary for full evaluation of gas stripping role in the butanol production.
With reference to the use of biobutanol as a fuel for transportation purposes, it can be
• in comparison with other bio-components used for blending automobile fuels, especially bioethanol, biobutanol exhibits very attractive properties — high energy content, low water solubility, total miscibility with gasoline hydrocarbons, and appropriate boiling point and vapour pressure
• the use of gasoline containing high concentrations (10 % to 30 % v/v) of butanol did not negatively affect operational parameters of common spark ignition engines used in passenger cars representing current European vehicle fleet. Only slightly increased emissions of NOx emissions and production of aldehydes was found out during standard ECE 83 emission tests
This research could be performed thanks to financial support of projects No. QH81323/2008
of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, TIP No. FR-TI1 / 218 of the Ministry of
Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, No. MSM6046137305 and No. MSM 6046137304 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic.
Expanding the self-heat recuperative thermal process to distillation processes in particular (Kansha et al. 2010a, 2010b), a system including not only the distillation column but also the preheating section, is developed in order to minimize the required energy, as shown in Fig. 4. A distillation process can be divided into two sections, namely the preheating and distillation sections, on the basis of functions that balance the heating and cooling load by performing enthalpy and exergy analysis, and the self-heat recuperation technology is applied in these two sections. In the preheating section, one of the streams from the distillation section is a vapor stream and the stream to the distillation section has a vapor — liquid phase that balance the enthalpy of the feed streams and that of the effluent streams in the section. In balancing the enthalpy of the feed and effluent streams in the preheating section, the enthalpy of the streams in the distillation section is automatically balanced. Thus, the reboiler duty is equal to the condenser duty of the distillation column. Therefore, the vapor and liquid sensible heat of the feed streams can be exchanged with the sensible heat of the corresponding effluent streams and the vaporization heat can be exchanged with the condensation heat in each section.
Fig. 4. Self-heat recuperative distillation process a) process flow diagram, b) temperature — heat diagram |
Figure 4 (a) shows the structure of a self-heat recuperative distillation process consisting of two standardized modules, namely, the heat circulation module and the distillation module. Note that in each module, the summation of the enthalpy of the feed streams and that of the effluent streams are equal. The feed stream in this integrated process module is represented as stream 1. This stream is heated to its boiling point by the two streams independently recuperating heat of the distillate (12) and bottoms (13) by the heat exchanger (1^2). A distillation column separates the distillate (3) and bottoms (9) from stream 2. The distillate (3) is divided into two streams (4, 12). Stream 4 is compressed adiabatically by a compressor and cooled down by the heat exchanger (2). The pressure and temperature of stream 6 are adjusted by a valve and a cooler (6^7^8), and stream 8 is then fed into the distillation column as a reflux stream. Simultaneously, the bottoms (9) is divided into two streams (10, 13). Stream 10 is heated by the heat exchanger and fed to the distillation column (10^11). Streams 12 and 13 are the effluent streams from the distillation module and return to the heat circulation module. In addition, the cooling duty of the cooler in the distillation module is equal to the compression work of the compressor in the distillation module because of the enthalpy balance in the distillation module.
The effluent stream (12) from the distillation module is compressed adiabatically by a compressor (12^14). Streams 13 and 14 are successively cooled by a heat exchanger. The pressure of stream 17 is adjusted to standard pressure by a valve (17^18), and the effluents are finally cooled to standard temperature by coolers (15^16, 18^19). The sum of the cooling duties of the coolers is equal to the compression work of the compressor in the heat circulation module. Streams 16 and 19 are the products.
Figure 4 (b) shows the temperature and heat diagram for the self-heat recuperative distillation process. In this figure, each number corresponds to the stream numbers in Figure 4 (a), and Ts and Tb are the standard temperature and the boiling temperature of the feed stream, respectively. Both the sensible heat and the latent heat of the feed stream are subsequently exchanged with the sensible and latent heat of effluents in heat exchanger 1. The vaporization heat of the bottoms from the distillation column is exchanged with the condensation heat of the distillate from the distillation column in the distillation module. The heat of streams 4 and 12 are recuperated by the compressors and exchanged with the heat in the module. It can be seen that all the self-heat is exchanged. As a result, the exergy loss of the heat exchangers can be minimized and the energy required by the distillation process is reduced to 1/6-1/8 of that required by the conventional heat exchanged distillation process.
Lope Tabil1, Phani Adapa1 and Mahdi Kashaninejad2
1Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan 2Department of Food Science & Technology, Gorgan University of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources Gorgan
The two main sources of biomass for energy generation are purpose-grown energy crops and waste materials (Larkin et al., 2004). Energy crops, such as Miscanthus and short rotation woody crops (coppice), are cultivated mainly for energy purposes and are associated with the food vs. fuels debate, which is concerned with whether land should be used for fuel rather than food production. The use of residues from agriculture, such as barley, canola, oat and wheat straw, for energy generation circumvents the food vs. fuel dilemma and adds value to existing crops (Chico-Santamarta et al., 2009). In fact, these residues represent an abundant, inexpensive and readily available source of renewable lignocellulosic biomass (Liu et al., 2005).
The durability of pellets was negatively correlated to pellet mill throughput and was positively correlated to specific energy consumption (Table 5). The specific energy values obtained from pilot scale pellet mill are 10-25 times higher than reported by Mani et al. (2006b) and Adapa et al. (2010a and 2009b) for agricultural straw, using a single pellet Instron testing machine. The higher pellet mill specific energy numbers could be due to higher friction values and practical pelleting conditions, which are closer to industrial operations.
An overall specific energy analysis is desired in order to understand the net amount of energy available for the production of biofuels after postharvest processing and densification of agricultural straw. The specific energy analysis was performed for pilot-scale pelleting of non- treated and customized (75% non-treated + 25% steam exploded) barley, canola, oat and wheat straw at 1.6 and 0.8 mm hammer mill screen sizes (Table 6). The specific energy for grinding of straw at 0.8 mm was calculated using regression equations reported in Adapa et al. (2011b). The specific energy for chopping and grinding of biomass, production of pellets using pellet mill and higher heating values for straw were obtained from experimental data (Adapa et al., 2011b and 2010b). In addition, the specific energy required for operating the chopper, hammer mill and pellet mill were 337, 759 and 429 W, respectively. On average, the operation of biomass chopper required five times more energy than chopping of biomass. On the other hand, the grinding of biomass required on an average three times more energy than operation of hammer mill. Interestingly, almost the same amount of energy was required to operate the pellet mill and production of pellets. Total specific energy required to form pellets increased with a decrease in hammer mill screen size from 1.6 to 0.8 mm, however, the total specific energy for the process decreased for customized straw compared to non-treated straw at 0.8 mm screen size (Table 6). It has been determined that the net specific energy available for production of biofuel is a significant portion of original agricultural biomass energy (92-94%) for all agricultural biomass (Table 6).
It is mainly to promote the diversification of the energy basket through the use of biofuels, with the following criteria (Mesa, 2006):
• Environmental sustainability.
• Favor lignocellulosic crops replacement.
• Agricultural employee maintenance and development.
• Energy self-sufficiency.
• Agro-industrial development.
• Improving the quality of country’s fuels, as a result of a blending between biofuels and fossil fuels.
To achieve these goals, Colombia faces the challenge of moving into strategic areas, among them are: a) consolidation of an institutional framework for the formulation of actions related to the handling of biofuels; b) reduction in the production of biofuels in the most critical points of the production chain, c) increasing the productivity of biofuels throughout all the production chain, d) research and development looking towards increasing biomass crop yields, develop new varieties adapted to different growing conditions and resistant to plagues, and develop changing processes of first and second generation e) price regulation in order to encourage the efficient production of biofuels, and f) differentiation of the Colombian product in order make easier the access to international markets by adding strategic environmental and social variables, besides food safety protection measures (Consejo Nacional de Politica Economica y Social (CONPES, 2008).
As stated by the Consejo Nacional de Politica Economica y Social (CONPES) (in English: National Council of Economic and Social Policy) of the Colombian government: This will enable the ability to take advantage, in a competitive and sustainable way, of economic and social development opportunities offered by biofuels emerging markets. At the same time it will allow: increasing competitive sustainable biofuels production by contributing to employment generation, rural development and population welfare; promoting an alternative productive development to the reliable rural land occupation; contributing to the formal employment generation within the rural sector; diversifying the country’s energy basket throughout biofuels efficient production, by using current and future technologies; ensuring an environmentally sustainable performance throughout the addition of environmental variables when making decisions in the chain of biofuel production.
Next, we propose the advanced greenhouse system for paprika cultivation with the combined biomass gasification process of BT with SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell). The BT gasifier which is a biomass gasification process has a characteristic of generating hydrogen gas of high concentration in syngas. Here, we considered the acceptability for the related facilities in agriculture field. Because the environmentally friendly system such as a PV system or a fuel cell co-generation system is still not enough to be promoted for those facilities. That is, there would be potential to combine the biomass energy system which is environmentally friendly with the agriculture related facilities. In addition, MAFF contribute to the global warming protection through the carbon-footprint of agricultural products. The ministry has a few subsidy menus on the promotion of the system. Also, on the surplus energy of electricity and/or thermal energy, there are institutions by which the energy companies are obliged to purchase them with additional fees.
Using the above institutions and/or subsidy menus under the leadership of the Japanese government, we considered the following concrete paprika harvesting system in which the biomass gasification (BT) process with SOFC is assumed to be introduced (Dowaki et al., 2010b).
First, our model site is the paprika harvesting facility in Miyagi of Japan, whose area is 4.6 ha. In our study, through interviews from the owner company, we used the data of not only the energy consumption of electricity and oil, but also the supply of CO2 gas which is fed into the greenhouse as a growth promoting agent. That is, in the model we proposed, the electricity, the thermal energy and the CO2 gas which is included in exhausted gas through BT plant are assumed to be available for the greenhouse facility of paprika harvesting. In addition, due to the combination of the advanced power generation such as SOFC, additional benefit of CO2 emission reduction would be obtained. This may be advantageous from the profit aspect since the surplus electricity would be able to be sold to the commercial energy companies. Also, from the viewpoint of thermal energy use, the combined BT with SOFC units would be advantageous since the exhausted gas with a high temperature (ca.700 °C) is generated. Although the operation of SOFC has been in a developmental stage, we used the published parameters. The initial cost of SOFC unit seems to be costly in comparison to the conventional power system. However, it is said that the commercial stage of SOFC is close. Thus, the initial cost was assumed to be equivalent to the target price as of 2015. The thermal energy for the greenhouse is supplied by the heat pump equipment. This would bring to the benefit of cost and/or CO2 emission reduction, since there is little waste thermal energy (Dowaki et al., 2011c).
On the other hand, MAFF tries to introduce the carbon-footprint for the agricultural products. It is difficult to estimate the monetary values of CO2 emissions of agricultural products. For instance, Kikuchi et al. investigated the willingness to pay for CO2 emission reduction of vegetables (Kikuchi and Itsubo, 2009). They found out that the consumers have a willingness to pay for an additional cost of approximately 5% up against a conventional price. Although this is only a limited effect, there would be a potential to earn income due to the carbon footprint. That is, with regard to income in our system, revenues to the plant owner would include the related subsidy, the processing fee of waste material, the sale of surplus electricity and the paprika sale with low CO2 emission. The carbon-footprint of agricultural product might be important one of income sources.
In this study, we analysed the CO2 emission due to LCA methodology.
Yin Song, Varun Penmasta and Chunlei Wang
Florida International University
The global energy demands have increased significantly every year and current reliance on fossil fuels is unsustainable due to finite supplies from environment. In addition, the products from using fossil fuels cause pollution and global warming. Fuel cells offer an alternative solution to this issue. A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts chemical energy from a fuel to electrical energy. In a fuel cell, an oxidation reaction occurs at the anode generating electrons that transfer to the cathode through the external circuit and a reduction reaction occurs at the cathode. Conventional fuel cells, for example, can be operated by using hydrogen or methanol (MeOH) as fuels to produce energy, releasing water and carbon dioxide as by-products. However, hydrogen is gaseous which gives rise to safety issues in storage and transport. Besides, many of the alternative fuels that can be used for fuel cells still rely on petroleum products. Therefore, it is well recognized that alternative sources of renewable energy are urgently required. Numerous efforts have been made to develop different power sources alternatives that are capable of performing in physiological conditions for prolonged lifetime without recharging. More recently, miniaturized medical implants such as pacemaker, defibrillator, insulin pumps, sensor-transmitter systems for animals and plants, nano-robots for drug delivery and health monitoring systems gain increasing attention which led to an upsurge in research and development in micropower source, especially, biofuel cells (Ramanavicius, 2005; Liu & Dong, 2007; Zhu et al., 2007; Moehlenbrock & Minteer, 2008 and Wang et al., 2009). Biofuel cell is a particular kind of fuel cell, which converts biochemical energy to electrical energy by using biocatalysts (Palmore & Whitesides, 1994). The two major types of biofuel cells are microbial fuel cells and enzymatic biofuel cells. Microbial fuel cells employ living cells such as microorganism as the catalyst to convert chemical energy into electricity while enzymatic biofuel cells use enzymes to catalyze the redox reaction of the fuels. In this chapter, we will first introduce both kinds of biofuel cells along with the type of catalysts used, electron transfer mechanism, electrode materials and cell performance. Then we will briefly review recent progress in miniaturized biofuel cells, which offer possibilities for implantable devices within the human body. Carbon-microelectromechanical system (C-MEMS) based miniaturized enzymatic biofuel cells are also highlighted in the chapter.