Technology Transfer — Website

The Food Pantry has established a Web presence. During construction it will be possible to tape record and follow along step by step and document just how the greenhouses were sited, erected, equipped, and operated. As such, this will be a soup-to-nuts type of educational experience, giving students an in-depth picture of the entire project. The Website will be upgraded to an interactive site with periodic live teaching segments — broadcast directly from inside any of the outbuildings live over the Internet through streaming video — which will enable viewers to ask questions in real time. The segments will be archived for down­loading as a reference and offered for sale in CD format for a modest fee. In this way, the project can offer 1/2-hour teaching segments on every aspect of the system and from every location within the system through the use of a Web cam. Land lines will connect all the external buildings to project offices and computers. Everything then can be broadcast live over the Internet. A certain amount of upgrading will be required to make the offices suitable for this purpose.

The project will be promoting the use of this system worldwide, and modified to meet almost any climatic conditions. Phase 2 of this project will address the adaptation of this system to differing worldwide climatic needs, and other sources of renewable and sustainable fuels to power the project according to those needs. Through the Web page and e-mail, the project would be able to act as a resource to anyone anywhere in the world. Upon completion, it will be a powerful learning tool.