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14 декабря, 2021
As shown in Figure 3, fatty acid biosynthesis interfaces with the primary metabolism at the acetyl-CoA node. Fatty acid biosynthesis is initiated by the formation of acetoacetyl-ACP, the substrate for fatty acid chain elongation. The conversion of acetyl-CoA to acetoacetyl-ACP includes two key enzymatic steps: (1) the conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA, catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) and (2) the conversion of malonyl-ACP to acetoacetyl-ACP via p-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (KASHI). These two enzymes are common metabolic engineering targets for improving fatty acid biosynthesis. In fact, ACC has been shown to be a rate — limiting step of fatty acid synthesis in Escherichia coli, and overexpression of ACC has been shown to yield more than a 5-fold increase in FFA production [5]. Overexpression of KASIII in E. coli also improved FFA synthesis, increasing lipid production by 20-60% [6]. After acetoacetyl-ACP formation, fatty acid chain elongation proceeds by an iterative process, whereby the hydrocarbon chain is elongated in increments of 2 carbons. Once the elongation process terminates, the final acyl-ACP is divided among three possible paths: one leading to membrane biosynthesis, an essential pathway for cell growth, and the other two yielding hydrocarbon fuels or fuel precursors (Figure 3).
To produce biofuels with an even-numbered carbon chain, the acyl-ACP is cleaved by a thioesterase (TE), releasing the FFA. The TE is yet another key target for metabolic engineering. The final fuel properties, including viscosity, cloud point, flash point, oxidative stability, ignition delay, and combustion quality, are largely determined by the hydrocarbon chain length and degree of saturation [7]. Accordingly, numerous TEs have been cloned and characterized, predominantly from plant sources, to control the carbon chain length of the FFAs. Engineering strategies often exploit this collection of TEs to tailor the biofuel product. Favored TEs include a truncated TE (‘tesA) from E. coli and acyl-ACP TEs from Umbellularia californica and Cuphea hookeriana, producing FFAs with carbon lengths of 16:0, 12:0, and 10:0 and 8:0, respectively [8—10]. The FFAs themselves can be extracted as fuel precursors and converted into biodiesel (FAMEs or FAEEs) using acid-catalyzed chemical processes [11]. To allow for FFA accumulation, the p-oxidation pathway and free fatty acid recycling are often eliminated by gene knockout of acyl-CoA synthetase (acs) and acyl-ACP synthetase (aas) [12]. An alternative strategy was recently demonstrated, whereby FFAs were synthesized through an engineered reversal of the p-oxidation cycle [13]. In this strategy, acetyl-CoA is used directly for fatty acid chain elongation, allowing for improved carbon and energy efficiency compared to the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway which requires activation of acetyl-CoA to malonyl — CoA. Engineering a reversed p-oxidation cycle required modification of multiple regulatory mechanisms, knockout of other fermentative pathways, expression of a TE or other fuel producing enzyme, and overexpression of key enzymes in the p-oxidation pathway [13]. While this strategy yielded the highest reported concentration of FFAs in E. coli (7 g/L), its application to other host organisms may be restricted by inadequate knowledge of the native regulatory mechanisms.
With an intact acs, FFAs can be converted into acyl-CoA, a precursor for other fuel products including the biodiesel precursor, TAG, and fuels such as FAEEs and fatty alcohols (Figure 3). The conversion of acyl-CoA to TAG requires the provision of 1,2-diacylglycerol and a diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT) to catalyze transfer of the acyl chain. While DGAT has been overexpressed to improve TAG production in plants [14], the utility of this strategy still remains to be tested in microorganisms. Most metabolic engineering strategies for microbial TAG synthesis focus on improving the supply of the precursors: FFA and glycerol-3-phosphate (G3P) [15, 16]. Microbial production of FAEEs typically involves heterologous expression of both the pathway for ethanol production and an acyltransferase (AT) [17—19]. Selection of the two genes required for ethanol synthesis, pyruvate decarboxylase (pdc) and alcohol dehydrogenase (adh), will largely depend on the host organism, but generally, efforts involving prokaryotic hosts such as E. coli and cyanobacteria will use pdc and adh from Zymomonas mobilis due to their capacity for high ethanol production [20]. To date, only one AT has been heterologously expressed for FAEE production: the wax synthase gene (aftA) from Acineto- bacter baylyi ADP1 [17—19]. A third biofuel product derived from acyl-CoA is fatty alcohols. The enzymatic conversion of acyl-CoA to a fatty alcohol is dependent upon whether the fatty acyl-CoA reductase (far) is of prokaryotic or eukaryotic origin. Most prokaryotic FARs reduce acyl-CoA to a fatty aldehyde, requiring another enzyme, fatty aldehyde reductase (ALR), for conversion to the fatty alcohol product. On the other hand, eukaryotic FARs catalyze the direct conversion of acyl-CoA to fatty alcohol without release of an aldehyde intermediate [21]. Metabolic engineering strategies for fatty alcohol production include: expression of a prokaryotic FAR, acr1 from Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BD413, with reliance on native fatty aldehyde reductases for fatty alcohol synthesis [19]; expression of 5 different eukaryotic FAR homologs from the model plant organism Arabidopsis thaliana [22]; and expression of a eukaryotic FAR, far1 from mouse [23]. The recent discovery of a prokaryotic FAR from Marinobacter aquaeolei VT8, capable of catalyzing the direct conversion of acyl-CoA to fatty alcohol, may be a beneficial alternative to the use of eukaryotic FARs for fatty alcohol production in prokaryotic hosts such as E. coli and cyanobacteria [24]. An alternative strategy used by Dellomonaco and colleagues identifies surrogates for far and adh in the native E. coli genome based on sequence homology [13]. With the numerous biofuel products derived from acyl — CoA and the natural enzymatic diversity for these conversions, we have only just begun to explore and develop the metabolic engineering tools essential to enable large-scale synthesis.
In addition to oxygen-containing biofuels, acyl-ACP can also be converted into pure hydrocarbon fuels in the form of alkanes and alkenes (Figure 3). In 2010, the discovery of an alkane synthesis pathway in cyanobacteria provided the genetic knowledge necessary for engineering microbial alkane production [25]. The pathway consists of two enzymatic steps: (1) reduction of acyl-ACP to a fatty aldehyde by means of an acyl-ACP reductase (AAR) and (2) decarbon — ylation of the aldehyde to an alkane or alkene, catalyzed by an aldehyde decarbonylase (ADC). Due to the recent discovery of this pathway, few metabolic engineering strategies have been applied for alkane production. Some strategies focus on improving supply of the acyl-ACP precursor, relying on the native cyanobacterial pathway for alkane synthesis [23], while others have simply transferred the alkane pathway (AAR and ADC) into another host organism [25—27]. With the rapidly growing database of genome sequence information, numerous homologs of AAR and ADC have been identified [26, 27], representing a diverse range of targets for metabolic engineering. Future optimization of the alkane biosynthesis pathway may result in the high alkane yields needed for biofuel production.