Alternating Current Plasma Torches

AC plasma torches are more promising for industrial applications and technologies requiring relatively high powers (e. g., waste treatment). Figure 12.3a represents the typical schematic diagram of a power-supply circuit. The power-supply system in this case is essentially cheaper and more reliable, rather than power-supply systems of DC plasma torches. Their maintenance is easier. The thermal efficiency of AC

Fig. 12.3 AC plasma torches: a Schematic diagram of power-supply circuit of AC plasma torch (P plasma torch; K contactor; T standard step-up transformer; L1-L3 current limiting inductances; C1-C3 capacitor compensators; SF automatic circuit breaker); b Multi-phase electric arc West — inghouse heating system (schematic of the installation) [73]; c NOL electric arc heater (1 ring electrodes; 2 current leads; 3 nozzle unit)

plasma torches is high. In AC power-supply systems, the losses do not exceed several percent as the reactive ballasts stabilizing an arc are used. Reactive power losses are minimized using standard capacitor compensators.

Existing AC plasma torches can be divided into three basic groups: the single­phase [72, 73], the three-phase single-chamber, and the three-phase multi-chamber plasma torches. In some cases, a DC plasma torch with linear circuit and cylindrical electrodes is taken as a basis for single-phase AC plasma torches, thus AC power source is used. Working gas is usually supplied tangentially into such system. Another option of a single-phase plasma torch is a construction with the central rod electrode and ring or toroidal electrode. Usually, the arc is stabilized by the magnetic field rotating the arc in the interelectrode gap. Such type plasma torches use axial supply of the working gas.

Multi-phase multi-chamber AC plasma torches comprise various combinations of several single-phase plasma torches using multi-phase AC electrical grid. There are constructions consisting of three separate single-phase plasma torches. It is possible to connect three single-phase plasma torches sharing one mixing chamber, while the connection configuration can be different. There are systems designed by this principle, for example, a multi-phase electric arc heating system (see Fig. 12.3b) described in [73].

Multi-phase single-chamber AC plasma torches are described in [70]. Their fea­ture is installation of an electrode system of the plasma torch in a single-electric arc chamber. The electrode systems of multiphase single-chamber plasma torches can have the form of rings, toruses, or rods. In case of using toroidal or ring electrodes (Fig. 12.3c), generally the first and the last electrode are connected to the same phase. Electrodes are usually separated from each other by heat-resistant insulating pads. Stabilization and arc twirl are supported either by a magnetic field by means of the solenoid mounted on the plasma torch case, or by the creation of the tangential gas vortex setting the arc column on an axis of the electric arc chamber and moving the attachment points of the arc along the electrode surface.

Another widely used group of single-chamber multiphase plasma torches are plasma torches with rod electrodes. Several types of plasma torches, including the ones with rod electrodes have been developed, produced, and tested in IEE RAS. Research and development, and design experience are described in [67, 80, 90]. Figure 12.4a shows a single-chamber plasma torch with rod electrodes.

Ignition of several simultaneously burning AC arcs in a single chamber allowed creation of simple and reliable plasma torches transforming the electric current energy into plasma energy with high efficiency of 80-90 %.

Several different designs were developed. Tungsten or tungsten-containing rod electrodes were used for operation on inert gases, nitrogen, and hydrogen. Water — cooled copper tubular electrodes were used for operation on oxidizing media. Plasma torches with rod electrodes can be divided into three groups: with power up to 200 kW and 2 MW, and also working at short-time modes with power 4-50 MW [90]. Both types have the similar design comprising three main parts: case, arc chamber (nozzle), and electrode unit. Multi-phase mode of arc burning in the discharge chamber allows using low voltage of re-ignition due to the preliminary ionization of the discharge gap. Tungsten with additives of rear earth metals and compounds having low work function were used as an electrode material. The advantages of single-phase plasma torches with rod electrodes are: simple design, high efficiency providing by optimal relation of volume and surface area of the arc chamber, and also the possibility of electrode operation in the thermo-emission mode. In these systems, it is easier to stabilize burning of AC arcs.

A series of plasma torches with rail electrodes have been developed (Fig. 12.4b, 12.4c) [81]. A plasma torch with rail electrodes can provide stable operation with oxidizing (air) and neutral media (nitrogen, inert gases). The range of air flow rates varies from 15 to 70 g/s. Power input into the arcs varies from 100 to 700 kW. Thermal efficiency almost does not differ from the system (plasma torch and power supply) efficiency and is 70-95 %.

The basic principle of plasma torch operation is the rail-gun effect (arcs move along the electrodes in the field of their own current). The movement of arc attachment point along the electrode allows uniform distribution of thermal load, which gives the opportunity to use the water-cooling electrodes made of a fusible material with high thermal conductivity (copper tubes). The multi-phase single-chamber AC plasma

Fig. 12.4 Powerful single-chamber AC plasma torches: a Three-phase plasma torch of EDP type (1 electrode tip; 2 insulator; 3 current lead; 4 gas supply loop); b Single-chamber three-phase plasma torch with rail electrodes (1 electrode tip; 2 insulator; 3 current lead; 4 gas supply; 5 injector); c Photo of operating plasma torch with rail electrodes, power 500 kW

torch with rail electrodes uses an integrated single-phase high-voltage plasma torch of low power as an injector. It creates a plasma stream providing sufficient electron concentration in a zone of the minimal interelectrode gap for ignition of the basic arcs.

It allows stable ignition of arcs between the electrodes mounted with a gap up to 20 mm powering from the industrial grid with voltage about 380-500 V. Arcs fill the major part of the discharge chamber, moving in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The insulating layer is formed near the wall where cold gas moves, where concentration of charged particles dramatically decreases, and arcs extinguish. The above-described process repeats continually forming a low-temperature plasma jet with average mass temperature of about 1,500-6,500 K at the plasma torch nozzle.

Fig. 12.5 Prolonged lifetime high-voltage AC plasma torches: a Photo of high-voltage AC plasma torches with rod electrodes in cylindrical channels; b Schematic representation of single-phase high-voltage plasma torch with rod electrodes; c Photo of operating high-voltage plasma torch with power 600 kW (IEE RAS), plasma forming gas-air

High-voltage plasma torches with high thermal efficiency 80-95 % have been developed for operation with power up to 100 kW. These plasma torches have rod electrodes in cylindrical channels. Figure 12.5a represents their general view and design. High supply voltage 4-10 kV provides stable ignition and burning of the long arc.

Currently, AC plasma torches with cylindrical electrodes operating with high arc voltage drop (up to 5 kV) are the most promising ones. Figure 12.5b shows a plasma torch of this type.

The plasma torch except high efficiency has the following advantages: long life­time of electrodes (more than 1,000 h) and possibility to change the plasma heat content over a wide range, providing at this a range of average mass temperature for air plasma from 1,500 to 7,500 K. Of special note is the ability to provide plasma temperature less than 2,000 K, which is claimed for some technological processes. Moreover, we have developed 6 MW AC plasma torches, but their electrode lifetime did not exceed 100 h [90].

Fig. 12.6 General view and schematic diagram of the experimental installation IEE RAS for plasma waste gasification: 1 reactor-gasifier; 2 main plasma torch; 3 auxiliary plasma torch (H2O, CO2); 4 auxiliary plasma torch for initial heating; 5 loading device; 6 device for slag discharge and cooling; 7 branch pipe for syngas removal; 8 afterburner; 9 ignition plasma torch; 10 cyclone; 11 gas-analysis system; 12 spray scrubber; 13 packed bed scrubber; 14 stack; 15 exhaust fan. Zones of: I accumulation; II evaporation; III pyrolysis; IV oxidation; V reduction; VI weak reaction rates; VII slag discharge