Bamboo Fiber Processing

Bamboo processing is a lengthy process and has the following requirements:

1. Machine for separating rough bamboo fiber

2. High temperature pressure-cooking pot

3. Pool for bleaching and softening

4. Steam boiler

5. Equipments for washing

6. Drying room

7. Dehydrator

Table 2.1 Yield and quality of bamboo fibers depending upon their processing technique

Fiber processing procedure

Yield of fiber

Quality of yielded fiber


High yield


Mechanical comb fiber technology

Low yield


Degumming defibrase system

High yield


Chemical mechanical processing technology

Low yield


Processing technology by cracking

High yield


Several technologies are available for the processing of bamboo fibers. Each of them has its own merits, demerits, and specifications and employs a different pro­cess. The following paragraphs include the details of the five of the technologies used for the processing of the bamboo.