General description of project

2.1. Territorial cover

The GIS prototype tool covers an area of 183,500 km2 and corresponds to the total area of three states, Alagoas, Pernambuco and Paraiba. In a second phase it will be extended to 1,561,178 km2 which corresponds to the total area of the Northeast region.

2.2. Modality

Подпись: Figure 5 - SIGA-SOL general functionalities: Management and planning at state level (macro) and municipal (local)

The totality of the developed GIS tools previously described are principally focussed on the planning of the insertion of renewable sources and does not deal with the management problems of a program for insertion of renewable energies on a wide spatial scale as the PRODEEM — The Energy Development Program for States and Municipalities.

The SIGA-SOL (Geographic Information System Applied to Solar Energy) is a methodology based in GIS for management and planning of programs for insertion of renewable energy sources. The SIGA-SOL has the capacity of carrying out macro-spatial analyses (at state level) and local (municipality) as can be seen in Fig. 5.