Chemical storage of the sun energy

The chemical conversion of the solar radiation to the useful, easily transportable energy carrier belongs to large scale storage modes and is based mainly on two processes. The first one is the photosynthesis of biomass from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water. The reaction is supposed to be CO2 neutral, which means that the speed of releasing the CO2 into the atmosphere during energy retrieval from the biomass equals the CO2 consumption rate during the photosynthesis of the biomass. Unfortunately, this assumption is not fulfilled in the present time.

The second process, able to convert insolation to useful energy carrier, is the reduction of CO2 to methanol. Following scheme shows principles of the process:

image092+ 3 H2O ^3 H2 +1У2О2 ; 3H2 + CO2 = CH3OH + H2O. (1)

Neither water electrolysis nor methanol synthesis from CO2 are unknown processes [1]. Solar-thermal-electric systems (STES) are commercially available [2] and can produce enough electric current for large scale water electrolysis. CO2, instead of dumping it to Earth cavities after removing it from stack gases of power plants, can be easily transported in the liquid form to hydrogen production plants. Methanol, extremely versatile energy carrier, is a liquid, easily transportable. Water is partially recirculated in the process. Methanol plants can be therefore situated in rare populated areas, rich in solar radiation. And the process is 100% CO2 neutral.