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14 декабря, 2021
The publicity that the project received on the news, the short video clip prepared showing the prototype construction rwww. youtube. com/v/hV99eXdMMC8&rel=1l. radio interviews and visits from local leaders including the Prime Minister will help to cement the project’s role within the educational system. The project continuation should not lose track of the school’s primary function as an educational institution by not turning it into a production center of projects.
3. Conclusion
The solar still did not produce the necessary amount of water to meet a person’s water needs. It did however teach students about solar distillation technology and increase their motivation to learn and give valuable insight into better design ideas. During the coming year the new model will be tested to obtain production results and continuing research to perfect the design. The next step to reinforce the solar still project is a teacher training so that the project can be continued at the Escola Tecnica.
Further development can lead to partnerships with the Forma^ao Profissional e Centro de Emprego [Professional Training and Employment Center; ‘Business Centers’] to implement the project. The Business Centers are focused on teaching trades and incorporate a work study. The end result would be a fortified educational system through environmentally sustainable projects. Increasing employment opportunities for Cape Verdean technical education graduates. while perfecting a cheap environmental way to produce potable water. reducing reliance on expensive. polluting foreign oil and dwindling subsoil resources.
[1] Cape Verde Fact Sheet. www. cia. gov/librarv/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cv. html
[2] Diagnostico do sector de agua e saneamento em Cabo Verde. (2007). INGRH. Praia. Cabo Verde
[3] Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia em Cabo Verde
[4] F. Daniels, (1964). Direct Use of the Sun’s Energy, Yale University, New Haven
[5] Bassam A/K Abu Hijleh, Hamzeh M. Rababa’h, Experimental study of a solar still with sponge cubes in basin, Deparment of Mechanial Engineering. Jordan University of Science and Technology. 2002.
With an average of 7cm of annual rainfall, Cape Verde is classified as a semi-desert climate and constantly faces drought. Its main sources of fresh water are desalination plants and deep wells, which provided approximately 20% and 80%, respectively in 2000; extrapolated from the CIA fact sheet on Cape Verde1 and Cape Verde’s Water and Sanitation report. The annual rainfall is not sufficient to recharge the water table to meet the nation’s growing water needs. Thus farmers in coastal areas complain of saltwater infiltrating the ground water and ruining their crops yields. The Water and Sanitation Diagnostic Report for Cape Verde states that 85% of the population has secure access to water and 15% have precarious access to water; for rural habitants this value is 22.6% compared to 7% for urban habitants.2 While fuel powered desalination plants are effective producing 2 million to 10 million litres of fresh water per day in Cape Verde, the energy costs are colossal, solar stills could provide a more secure source of fresh water for rural habitants.
Nevertheless, Cape Verde is abundant in sun and saltwater. It receives approximately 3,000 hours of sunlight annually (receiving a maximum of 5.90 kWh and a minimum of 4 kWh of solar radiation3) and boasts 965 km of coastline, which facilitates salt water collection. In light of dwindling underground
[1] CO2 emissions avoided:
1. Ireland: 27,000 t/year (estimated)
[2] English web sites are very rare, but all are available in Russian
[3] An advanced TRNSYS-Type for uncovered collector is described in [4]
[4] The world’s currently largest solar thermal system in Marstall, Denmark, has an installed thermal capacity of approx. 13 MWth.
[5] Assumptions: solar energy gain = 1 MWh/m2a; efficiency heat plant = 0.9.
[6] including transport, installation, etc. but excluding Kyrgyz duty and taxes
[7] Without recognition as a CDM project
The contents and main features of a new Training Course for PV System Installation are presented. The course, targeting professional electricians, has a strong component of hands-on experience and includes a full discussion of safety issues. Its general aims are i) to prepare the participants for the installation of PV systems; and to ii) set a quality standard for other training courses expected to be organized in the future.
[9] Greenpro (2004) Energia fotovoltaica : manual sobre tecnologias, projectos e instalagao
[10] J. Wiles, (2005). Photovoltaic Power Systems and the 2005 National Electrical Code: Suggested Practices, Sandia National Laboratories
[11] Daystar Inc. Working safely with photovoltaic systems, Sandia Laboratory — Photovoltaic Design Assistance Center (no date)
[12] M. C. Brito et al, Manual do instalador, to be published
[13] “A Strategic Research Agenda for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Technology”, Science, Technology and Applications of the EU PV Technology Platform, European Communities, 2007.
[14] Carrilho da Graga G., Augusto A., Lerer M., “Integration of Photovoltaic Panels in Portuguese High Schools: Feasibility Study”, Eurosun 2008.
[15] Portuguese law 363/2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007.
[16] Eletrobras — Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras
[17] GREEN — Energy Studies Group
PUC-MG — Pontific Catholic University of Minas Gerais
[19] PROCEL — National Electricity Conservation Program
[20] Introduction