Capacity building

Capacity building on the supply side is an important aspect of SOLAIR. This means strengthening and informing manufacturers, installers and planners of the potentials and application possibilities of solar air-conditioning technologies.

The training activities are especially targeted to the supply side such as plant designers, engineers, technicians and installers.

As a first action, a master version for the training material was prepared. From this master version, a partner per country will prepare a version on its own national language. In each participating country two pilot training actions will take place. This will correspond to a total of 16 pilot training actions.

The courses will have in general a duration of one and half day, including a technical visit when possible. The main subjects in each course are:

A) Introduction (focus on present world energy supply and demand situation and the specific situation of each country);

B) Basics (including aspects as thermal comfort and cooling technologies);

C) Predesign (focusing on system sizing);

D) Design (including also aspects as technical planning and operation & maintenance);

E) Economics & Environment;

F) Realised systems and success stories (using the information collected by the project — Best practice examples)

In order to ensure a homogeneous group of participants a registration form (template prepared for all project partners) will allow for the characterisation of the professional activity and former experience of the candidate.

A uniform template for evaluation of the courses by the trainees is also available. A final report on the pilot planning action will result in final adjustments to the training actions structure for future reproducibility.