2. Studies cases

2.1. Framework

Although with the common objective of promoting the energies renewable and bioclimatic strategies in social housings, the great diversity of the social and economical conditions of each participating country of the CYTED network, determined that different approaches, criteria and methodologies were adopted in order to correspond to the real needs, of each country, as it can be conclude from the overall review and synthesis of the present paper.

2.2. Argentina

Three groups from Argentina integrate this network — Universities of Catamarca, Salta and Tucuman. The first two were involved in 2005 in the definition of bioclimatic strategies for high quality plant production in agro industrial installations. It was an experimental and numerical study with measurements on temperature, solar radiation temperature and humidity and simulation based on SIMEDIF program. The measurements were used to calibrate the thermal model [1].

Подпись: Fig. 1. Bioclimatic house and temperature

In 2007 was undertaken a pos occupation evaluation to some bioclimatic houses built in 1986 and that have been monitored. The survey on user satisfaction shows that the occupants are very pleased with the bioclimatic design as well as the solar collectors to domestic hot water production, and that they are much familiarized with the use of the passive solar systems. This familiarization is due to the initial training for the operation of the systems [2].


Fig. 2. Bioclimatic buildings in Argentina (Cachi-Salta and Susques-Jujuy).

The Tucuman University had undertaken a thermal energetic efficiency analysis of raw hearth construction in order to be adopted in popular rural houses and on the spaces for cooking in order to avoid the deforestation and minimize the occurrence of domestic accidents. Concerning the urban population the study was performed in San Miguel, east zone of Tucuman. The SIMEDIF program was also used to evaluate the improvement of two houses by using bioclimatic design, a rural house at Balderrama and the other at Colalao, Tucuman Valley [2].


Fig. 3. Balderrama house and ceiling improvement proposal.


Fig. 4. Bioclimatic building in Chubut — Argentina.