Calculating the contribution of solar thermal. towards the European energy supply

L. Bosselaar1* O. Mikucki2 and A. Almeida3

1 SenterNovem, P. O. Box 8242, 3503 RE Utrecht, the Netherlands
2 KAPE S. A, The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Mokotowska 35, 00-560Warsaw, Poland
3 Adene, Estrada de Alfragide, Praceta 1, n. 47, 2610-181 Amadora (Lisboa), Portugal
* Corresponding Author, L. Bosselaar@SenterNovem. nl


The European Union has set an ambitious target for renewable energy of 20% of the total energy demand. Currently the contribution from solar thermal is less than 1% of the total renewable energy production in the EU. The European Solar Thermal Technology Platform (ESTTP) shows that the contribution can grow to 50% of the total European heat demand. The calculation of the contribution of solar thermal heat to the energy balance in Europe has a lot of uncertainties. In the ThERRA project (funded by the EU EIE-programme) the method for calculating renewable heat is developed. A simple formula is proposed to calculate the renewable energy production form solar thermal collectors.

Keywords: Monitoring, statistics, European targets