EUROSUN 2008 — Bulgarian approach in teaching Renewable Energy

Annie Dobrinova1, Lyubov Dombeva2

Bulgarian Solar Energy Society, BgISES; 37 “Graf Ignatiev”str.; Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
E-mail: adobrinova@adiss-bg. com
2dombeva@abv. bg


The presentation concerns to the circumstances of RESources involvement in Bulgarian school education. The traditional pattern of subjects taught in Bg schools consists no subjects relevant in RES in teaching — physics does not include it. One of the main approaches is to involve Solar Energy ideas without the existing schedule to be changed — an integrated broad teaching RES tool. An optimal classes’ result, experienced by the authors is the Art&Techniques synthesis. RES teaching, experienced in 60 Bg schools are described, analyzed and illustrated. The authors recommend partnership between teachers and RES firms, pupils and media etc. to achieve positive RES&EE broad public awareness results. Another kind partnership recommended is between Art (drawings, pantomime, etc) and pupil/teachers. One of the best results is partnership with officials from national or international institutions, which much more stimulates special RE initiatives and great number of training RES opportunities.

Key words: RES training; teaching RES;

1. Introduction

Bulgaria is among countries, where educational changes happen only with Ministry decree (edict), which means in fact — rather slowly. Most of the teachers keep the ministry’s schedule and prefer ministry recommendations for how to include any innovative ideas in their class time. The success of Solar School Forum (SSF) project (2004-2006) would be impossible if our SSF team was not lucky to win the good will of the Bg Ministry of Education. That happened after really more than 9 months exchange of official letters with them in the beginning of SSF project. So the authors think valuable to share this experience of ours — how anyway more than 60 schools were involved with Renewable Energy education in Bg.