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14 декабря, 2021
The past, the present and the future are inseparable fields for research and study in any area of human activity. Italy’s Archive on the History of Solar Energy is already providing new insights regarding the contributions made by Italian pioneers of the 19th and 20th centuries, which continue to play a role in modern or future solar energy.
For example, the archives of Giacomo Ciamician (chemist), Gaetano Vinaccia (architect and city- planner), and Giovanni Francia (mathematician) contain information that show how their pioneering work can also today be an inspiring source for researchers and scholars. Their pioneering ideas, including details that have never been published or were otherwise overlooked, can be found in a letter or in a private note, in a project or in drawings. These ideas can contribute to view Italian solar energy history in a new light.
2. Conclusion
The solar archives collection put together so far shows that in Italy there have been scientists who made original and unique contributions to the understanding and application of modern or future solar energy long before the first oil shock of 1973, such as Ciamician, Vinaccia, and Francia.
They were internationally acknowledged for their work, although they were soon forgotten after their death. Italy’s Archive on Solar Energy History should contribute to rediscover the work of these and other pioneers to the benefit of, first and foremost, researchers and scholars, but also many other professionals interested in the advancement of solar energy science, technology, and application.
6. Acknowledgements
In writing this paper I had the benefit of accounts from and contacts with many people. I would like to thank in particular M. Martelli, R. Merola, G. Nebbia, P. P. Poggio, E. Terenzoni, and the heirs of G. Francia, D. Gasperini, F. Grassi, V. Storelli and G. Vinaccia.
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