Cooling power and COP

In Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 a histogram of the measured COP and cooling power is shown. COPs between 0.48 to 0.62 were obtained. The measured power shows a much larger dispersion: cooling powers between 3.1 and 5.9kW have been obtained.

Подпись: 20%Подпись: 0%Подпись: COPimage629Подпись:image631120%


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60% I"








Fig. 3. Frequency diagram of thermal cooling COPs Fig. 4. Frequency diagram of cooling powers. Taking into account the total cold production and heat input over the whole cooling period including hours with on-off behaviour an overall COP of 0.574 with a standard deviation of 0.066 for the hourly values is obtained. The mean cooling power for the hourly values was 4.38kW with a standard deviation of 0.67kW. Nevertheless it is not clear, if this variation of cooling powers is due to a limitation in the capabilities of the chiller or to the requirements of the load. Although the cooling load of the canteen’s kitchen is almost always above 6kW because of the high internal loads, the control system may limit the chillers output power in order to avoid too low inlet air temperatures which may be uncomfortable.