Building integration

Подпись: Fig. 4. Examples of integrated polymeric collectors with additional function as building element Source: puren GmbH, Stale Skogstad, Solarcentury GmbH, Solkav, Solarflex;

The application of polymeric materials opens for new production techniques, allows new types of shapes and e. g. smart snap-designs. Many examples exists where polymeric collectors due to shape, design or simply due to the material have an added value as building part, replace conven­tional materials and produce thermal energy. Fig. 4 illustrates some examples, e. g. glazed flat plate collectors having modular building standard, replace conventional roof — or faqade cladding (a, b) and have the additional function of a sound shield towards a heavy-traffic road (b). The collector in (c) is shaped just like conventional roof tiles, allows easy retrofit and no transitions between the collector — and tile-roof are needed. Pool absorber pipes provide shading as roof of a carport (d). An innovative application integrates EPDM absorber pipes into the floor of outdoor, PU-based and walk-able tartan tracks in sport arenas or swimming pool surroundings (e).