Testing Of Pre-Assembled Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems And Heat Storages

Wolfgang Striewe*, Jan Steinmetz, Thomas Biel, Daniel Volker,

Korbinian Kramer, Stefan Mehnert, Matthias Rommel

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Heidenhofstrahe 2, D-79110 Freiburg
* Corresponding Author, wolfgang. striewe@ise. fraunhofer. de


Factory made and pre-assembled solar domestic hot water (SDHW) systems may provide a range of advantages in comparison with individually constructed systems. It is observed that the market share of these systems increases.

In the course of this trend the quality assurance of the products becomes more important. It is only profitable for the customer to install a SDHW system if it provides high solar gains over a long service and life-time.

Testing of these systems is done according to the testing standard EN 12976 at Fraunhofer ISE to ensure the quality of SDHW systems. It is the European testing standard for factory made thermal solar systems. Testing according to this standard is also part of the requirements to receive the Solar Keymark quality label.

It includes an outdoor test for the experimental determination of system parameters. These parameters are used to make a performance prediction by means of a computer simulation. Furthermore, several quality tests are carried out. These include the testing of the stagnation behavior of the SDHW system and other tests.