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14 декабря, 2021
Mersin in which there exists a considerable amount of visual pollution caused by solar hot water systems is situated at the Mid Mediterranean region, geographically in Turkey, within the 32 — 35 degrees east longitudes and 37-36 degrees north latitudes.[5] In Mersin as a sea shore city there exist typical Mediterranean climate with typical specialties like hot and humid summer days and rainy and warm winter days. In yearly basis having only 25.3 un-sunny days and being an entirely open and lightly cloudily sky in most of the days of the year and so with a considerable sunny days in this city, solar hot water systems are widely used at the residents for heating the usage water and is amongst the very first lines by system implementation in Turkey. (Figures 4, 5)
The suitable geographical location and climate of Mersin provides flexible possibilities for collector inclination and positioning. Within the context of research project named “System Approaches in Evaluation of Solar Energy Hot Water Systems as an Architectural Component” issued by YTU as it is seen on the data obtained by using the TSOL program (Table 1), the collectors can be used with an inclination range of 0-60° and within the directions of ± 60 ° to the South. [6] In respect to the efficiency — aesthetical optimization, it is clear that wide directive and inclination angle interval will provide flexibilities for system integration to the building.
10th October, Lisbon — Portugal *
Orient. |
Slope |
0 |
15 |
30 |
45 |
60 |
75 |
90 |
0 (S) |
89,3 |
97,2 |
100,0 |
97,7 |
90,2 |
78,3 |
62,8 |
-20 (W) |
89,3 |
96,6 |
99,1 |
96,4 |
89,1 |
77,6 |
63,0 |
-40 (W) |
89,3 |
96,0 |
96,0 |
92,9 |
85,9 |
75,3 |
62,2 |
-60 (W) |
89,3 |
92,2 |
91,7 |
87,7 |
80,6 |
70,9 |
59,5 |
20 (E) |
89,3 |
96,7 |
99,1 |
96,7 |
89,3 |
77,8 |
63,2 |
40 (E) |
89,3 |
94,9 |
96,3 |
93,1 |
86,1 |
75,5 |
62,5 |
60 (E) |
89,3 |
92,3 |
91,8 |
88,0 |
81,1 |
71,3 |
59,9 |
Table 1 Solar radiation percentages on collectors |
The cooling problem of the inner spaces in Mersin and in almost all southern regions of Turkey arises as a more important requirement rather than heating needs. When the energy consumption for cooling in summer and expenditures done taken into consideration, not having adequate solar control facilities on the buildings appear as an important absence in the context of bioclimatic design. Therefore, the usage of solar hot water systems, as solar control component like pergola, on the roofs will provide crucial possibilities in keeping the building envelope cool and for integrating systems with the building. Within the context of the approaches and data indicated above, the possible architectural solution suggestions in respect to solar hot water systems situated at flat roofs in Mersin can be like,
Individual usage — natural circulation systems,
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gathering collectors, harmonizing collector areas by considering the form, size, color, pattern properties and /or obstruct the visibility; gathering storages in a collective place that is designed by considering a harmony with the building and its invisibility (Figures 6 a, b)
Figure 6 a)
Individual usage and pumped systems,
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Organizing them so as to form a pergola; formation of a suitable area where the tanks are gathered or obstruct them under the collectors, (Figure 7, a, b, c, d)
Figure 7 a)
Central system when the storage is not force to be near the collectors, it is apparent that architectural opportunities would be much more like pergola forms creating usage spaces on the roofs and protection of the roof from sun. (Figure 8 a, b)
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It is clear that with innovative design approaches, according to the installation purpose of the systems, the architectural expression, demands of the users, environmental impacts, design approaches, and economy many system solutions specific to that building can be created. According to the fundamental and schematic solutions that are suggested, the visual improvements provided at a multistory residential building in Mersin are shown in Figure 9.
2. Conclusion
The collector pollution caused by solar energy hot water systems is a crucial urban problem that needs to be solved urgently in many countries as well as in Turkey. The solution to this problem is possible by regarding the systems not only with their efficiencies but as architectural components having an important role in perception of the buildings and the city.
For a more sustainable future, solar energy in buildings and solar hot water systems has an important role. The usage of these systems mostly has great affects on buildings and their architecture. The goal of making the system usage widespread will determine the tomorrow’s cities way of being. So it is important to use the systems aesthetically and reorganize the improper existing systems for having harmony and integration with the building for our life quality.
For a healthy increase of system applications it is important to understand the dynamics of usage, consumer needs requirements, trends and local conditions. Further more special solutions according to the properties of the place have to be produced. To achieve these goals, it is noteworthy to approach the system usage in a holistic and versatile way of looking with cooperation of different disciplines for the same aim, with clear strategies.
[1] Sakinc E. (2006) An approach to evaluate solar active systems as an architectural design component in the context of sustainability, Dr. thesis, YTU, Istanbul.
[2] Sakinc E. & Serefhanoglu Sozen M., Evaluation of solar hot water systems as a design component in the context of sustainability, MIMARIST, 23 (2007). 103-112.
[3] Sakinc E. & Serefhanoglu Sozen M.,. A design approach to evaluate solar active systems as a criterion, GUMMF, 23: (2008) 21-31.
[4] Sakinc E. & Serefhaoglu Sozen, The importance of Building integrated solar hot water systems in the context of architecture and urban design, 8. International HVAC+R technology symposium, (2008)p: 315-324
[5] Mersin Governorship, Environment and Forest director of Province, Report of Mersin province environment, 2005, Mersin
[6] Serefhanoglu Sozen M. & Sakinc E., and others, 2008. Systems approaches on evaluating solar hot water systems as architectural component, ongoing research project of YTU, 26-03-01-03 Istanbul.