Upper Austria’s Commercial Buildings Programme

The new commercial buildings programme includes the following support activities:

Energy advice and auditing service

Energy advice given at the moment when investment decisions are made is one of the most important tools for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Therefore, the O. O. Energiesparverband offers a broad energy advice service programme for households, companies and public bodies. Energy advice is also part of the sustainable buildings programme implemented by O. O. Energiesparverband.

For companies and industry the service has been extended recently, offering 2 days energy advice for businesses, 75% of the costs are covered by the regional government.

In order to promote RES applications in companies, together with energy experts, energy strategies for four industry sectors (metal, wood, hotels, real estate) were developed.

Based on these guidelines, individual energy advice sessions for the companies were held, leading to concrete RES installations.

Information & awareness raising activities

A number of information and awareness raising activities are carried out including publications and events. Recently as part of the international conference World Sustainable Energy Days for example the conference "Tomorrow’s Buildings" was held which offered insights into forward-thinking innovations in energy and buildings technologies.

One main part of the information activities is the promotion of large scale solar thermal installations. In order to overcome the barrier of lack of know-how, a planning manual ("solar guide") was developed and training courses for the planning and installation of large solar thermal systems were organised.