Vest Agder, Norway

5 kWp will be installed on this drug rehabilitation clinic that is run by the Vest- Agderklinikkene (a leading institution for alcoholic rehabilitation). It has 2.200 m2 area with room for 38 tenants. The PV modules will be integrated in an aluminium faqade in the southeastern corner of the building and as sunscreens in the southwestern faqade.

3.5 PV-parking, the Netherlands

30 kWp of amorphous PV modules will be integrated in the southwest and southeast facing faqades of a parking building. The colour and the relatively low price per sqm have led to the choice of using a-Si modules (thin-film amorphous silicon) in this project. This gives an important contribution to PV-NORD, as all other demonstration buildings will be using crystalline silicon cells.

3.6 Shell office building, the Netherlands

40 kWp of multi-crystalline PV modules are integrated in a "PV Pergola" — a glass cover over an open space — of a new Business and Technology Centre in Rijswijk. The project gives valuable input through the architectural integration in the building design.

Shell PV Pergola under construction, September 2003 (photo: Horisun)

3.7 Kollektivhuset, Denmark The Danish Kollektivhuset building is used as an example of the principles discussed above, notably the functional and aesthetical building integration of PV modules. It merits its own heading, see below.