3.1 Other features of the work

New principles of building integration will be demonstrated. The demonstration projects are varied, as some promote PV placing them on the facades in highly visible ways, while others try to blend the modules with the decor making them almost invisible. There is also the use of double functions of the PV modules, which makes the PV installation add more value to the building.

New and so far untried financing schemes are evaluated, balancing financial risk with long­term investment payoff and partnerships
between the real-estate owner, the tenants and the local utility company.

Several of the buildings hold high

environmental profiles in general, e. g. through low energy designs. To give an example, in building Holmen/Grynnan the total energy consumption per sqm residential floor area and year has been limited to 60 kWh (40 kWh heat and 20 kWh electricity). It is half the consumption compared to the best-applied technology in contemporary building designs.

Eight high-profile building projects in the Nordic countries and in the Netherlands are participating in PV-NORD:



Holmen, Sweden (photo: NAPS Sweden)

Holmen/Grynnan, Sweden 40 kWp will be installed on two multi-family houses, located in a new residential area in the southern part of the city centre of Stockholm. PV modules will be integrated in the fagade, in the balcony balustrades and as part of windows of the top floor. The innovative challenge is to find solutions where the PV modules will harmonise with the building design and if possible also serve with a double function as in the case of the balconies and the windows. A construction company develops the building, and the apartments are sold to the tenants.