Southwestern College dedicates 3.2 MW SunPower Solar System

Southwestern College and SunPower Corp. recently dedicated the installation of a 3.2 MW solar power system on the college’s Chula Vista, California, campus. Southwestern College estimates that the solar energy project — which is the largest single site of energy generation for an educational institution in San Diego Gas Electric’s service area — will help offset the college’s energy costs by approximately $600,000 annually.

The project cost $13 million and was funded by Proposition R, the general obligation bond passed by voters in 2008.

«It makes sense to use the clean, renewable resource of the sun to power our college sustainably,» said Dr. Melinda Nish, superintendent/president of Southwestern College. «We think this is an investment of Proposition R dollars that will continue to pay dividends for the college community for many years to come.»