HybridCars.com is Hiring!

Do you have an interest in automotive journalism, environmental issues, sustainable transportation, and have your finger on the pulse of the auto industry?

If so, maybe we should talk. This Web site is growing and in need of a couple freelance writers to post daily alternative-energy transportation focused news briefs.

Opportunities for advancement for the right person will be forthcoming, but for now we’re open to experienced or inexperienced writers as long as you can add quality, fit our editorial voice, and style.

Knowledge of AP Style is a plus, as are a degree in Journalism, English, or related fields, as well as demonstrated proficiency in writing. Engineers who can write well would also be considered.

Preferred are writers who’ve been published and can demonstrate an understanding of advanced automotive technology, familiarity with the car business and all the nuances and interplay of the industry. Experience in the online world of publishing and of the WordPress content management system are also ideal.

HybridCars.com is not a fan site, or an advocacy group. It is a neutral online magazine that covers the whole alternative energy field. Typically, this includes hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery electric cars, fuel cell vehicles, diesel vehicles, natural gas power and other automotive technologies.

Topics we cover including new car news, technology developments, issues surrounding these and more.

While insightful and informed analysis can be OK, writers will need to put aside their personal opinions and stay objective while engaging readers with tightly written copy – typically 150-400 words. Pay is per published piece and is competitive. We’re looking for daily Monday to Friday contributions of 1-3 stories per day.

For more info, please send resume and writing samples to Editor Jeff Cobb. jeff@hybridcars.com.