Chromatic mass analysis

The present model was used to solve the analytical problem of specification of the composition of products of photo-decomposition of the operational laser substance generated by solar-pumped laser.

Previous specification of the concrete reaction channels and cross-sections of these channels had been studied insufficiently. To provide the analytical process a computerized facility for chromatic mass spectral analysis of the mixture of photo­organic products was developed on the basis of mass spectrometer and chromatoscope. .

The products generated at photo-chemical reactions accompanying operation of the iodine laser were analyzed. One of the perspective for PDISPL compositions, namely i-C3F7I, was chosen as the operational substance.

Fig. 4 presents the example of identification based on the standard method for one of the chromatographic peaks of the sample taken from CCS of the operating PDISPL using mass spectrometric method. Beside the identified product of photolysis, C3F6, the analysis reveal presence of such the compositions as C2F5I and the like.

Fig 4. mass spectrometric identification of C3F6

Consequently, the products of photo-decomposition of the iodine laser active medium contain the compositions, presence of which can not be explained by the simple kinetic scheme (1 — 6). The reason for this, as we see it, is the ignored in this set distribution of photon energy in the initial photo-dissociation act. The thing is that the fragments formed in the course of process 1, possess the initial energy of ~ 2.5 eV, distributed between them according to different levels of freedom. That is why in the first after the initial act collisions the additional reaction channels are probable:

R+RI ^ products I+ RI ^ products.

The concrete reaction channels and their cross-sections are determined by the construction of the initial radical R. In further studies we plan to specify these dependencies. This job is envisioned as one of the important constituents of the process of specification of usefulness of this or that composition for the concrete PDISPL concept.