Mass cultivation of microalgae

The cultivation macro — and microalgae is a well-established practice, providing ample biomass for human nutrition, commercially important biopolymers, and specialty chemicals, that dates back nearly 2,000 years (Spolaore et al., 2006). As an example, growing the gelatinous cyanobacteria Nostoc in rice patties enabled much of the Chinese population to survive famine in 200 AD (Qiu et al., 2002). Since that time, the mass cultivation of microalgae has been commercialized for the production of either whole-cell algal nutritional supplements or nutraceutical extracts, such as P-carotene, astaxanthin, and polyunsaturated fatty acids (e. g. DHA, omega-3). In the international market, China, Japan, Australia, India, Israel, and the United States are leaders in algal production.

1.1.1 Constraints on photoautotrophic algal biomass production

In addition to certain biological limitations, several obstacles related to cultivation must be overcome to allow economical industrial scale-up of algal biofuel production. The conversion efficiency of solar energy to biomass by microalgae is governed, in part, by the inherent biological efficiency of photosynthesis, and largely by the effectiveness of light — transfer in liquid cultures. Some species of algae grown heterotrophically (i. e. supplemented with carbon sources other than CO2, such as sugars) can accumulate a greater amount of lipids (Wu et al., 2006); however, the costs associated with such cultivation may limit its applicability to biofuel production. The approach of heterotrophic algal biofuel production is the model for a number of algal biofuels start-up companies.

On the other hand, generating algal biomass for biofuels with energy directly from the sun rather than a chemical intermediate has its advantages. Microalgae essentially act as biological solar panels directly connected to biorefineries. Photoautotrophic cultivation has the added benefit of CO2 sequestration from a point source. Although current commercial raceway ponds operate with areal productivities of 2-20 g m-2 d-1, there remains much speculation regarding the maximum achievable algal biomass productivity. While heterotrophic modes of cultivation can yield very dense algal cell cultures, photoautotrophic cultures are not expected to exceed 60 g m-2 d-1. Figure 3 shows a compilation of realistic areal productivities and theoretical projections for photoautotrophic algal cultivation in open ponds (Chisti, 2007; Weyer et al., 2008; Schenk et al., 2008; Wallace, 2008).


Fig. 3. Projected algal biomass productivities for raceway ponds.

While a wide range of predictions has been made for the maximum attainable productivity of algal cultures, a straightforward analysis of energy transfer in algal biomass production reveals a few key bottlenecks. By following a single photon from its origin at the sun to the desired end product of algal oil, there are a number of unavoidable losses imposed on this conversion of sunlight by the inherent bioenergetics of cellular processes. Additional diversions of solar energy can be attributed to the algal growth system and can be minimized with proper design parameters.

The first impediment that solar radiation faces when traveling to the Earth’s surface is the local weather. As we know from our daily observations, cloudy skies can dramatically reduce the amount of light that reaches the ground. Additionally, while the equator receives high-intensity light year-round, solar irradiance diminishes as one travels away from the equator in latitude, thus near-equatorial zones are ideal for algal biomass production. Accordingly, Asia, Australia, and the United States are common sites for algal growth facilities. Figure 4 presents a map of solar data collected from 1990-2004 where black dots represent locations for which detailed weather analysis is available for algal production facilities (Weyer et al., 2008). In geographies that receive more exposure to sunlight, and accompanying high temperatures, evaporative water loss and cooling mechanisms become more important considerations.

Since there is little one can do to change the weather beyond choosing an adequate site for algal cultivation, the next constraint on solar energy collection comes from the limited spectrum of light that plants have adapted to utilize, deemed photosynthetically active radiation (PAR: A = 400-700 nm), which accounts for only 45% of the total energy in the visible light spectrum (Weyer et al., 2008).


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Fig. 4. Global map of average annual solar radiation (Reprinted with permission from SoDa Services, Copyright Mines ParisTech / Armines 2006).

In conventional raceway ponds and photobioreactors, incident sunlight encounters billions of algal cells as it travels through the liquid culture — each cell absorbing some of the available energy. Thus, the transmission of light is severely inhibited by cell shading in these dense solutions. For example, the leaves of a tree have evolved to be essentially two­dimensional structures with only millimeter thicknesses; an algal culture volume can be thought of in a similar manner. In open ponds, only the cells on the surface are exposed to maximum sunlight, and those on the bottom of the 10-30 cm deep trough receive very little of this incoming energy. The advantage, though, of a liquid culture is that the shaded cells in the submerged regions can be recirculated to the surface periodically so that a large volume of biomass can be maintained. Additionally, advanced photobioreactor design can encourage optimal mixing patterns (Tredici and Zittelli, 1998).

The next hurdle that usable photons must surmount is absorption by the molecular photosynthetic apparatus. As microalgae have adapted to survive in conditions of low light, they have evolved biochemical mechanisms that are incredibly adept at collecting light energy.

Light-harvesting complexes, which surround the photosystems in the chloroplast membrane, act as antennae to gather and shuttle photons to the photosynthetic reaction center. One limitation to complete utilization of incident PAR lies in the maximum capacity of energy that each photosystem can handle. In fact, high-intensity light can quickly inundate the photosynthetic machinery, leading to the generation of free oxygen radicals, in a process called photoinhibition (Long et al., 1994). This obviously has a negative effect on the productivity of algal cultures by leading to cellular damage and premature population demise. Unlike the natural environmental conditions to which microalgae are accustomed, industrial cultivation strives for maximum collection of solar energy. In this case, algae can be exposed to high- intensity light for only a short period of time, on the scale of microseconds, allowing each photosystem to absorb light before becoming overwhelmed. Also at the biochemical level, there are inherent limitations to photosynthesis related to electron transfer. Estimates for the efficiency of photosynthesis correlate to roughly 25% energy conversion (Weyer et al., 2008). Optimization of photosynthesis is an ambitious genetic engineering goal and is likely to remain an intrinsic parameter of algal biomass production processes.

After the available sunlight has been harnessed by photosynthesis, there exist various levels of inefficiency related to the biological conversion of this energy to biomass. Principally, nearly 40% of the total energy is required to sustain basic cellular function and growth, leaving an estimated 60% of the total photosynthetically captured energy for biomass accumulation (Weyer et al., 2008). According recent analysis utilizing actual solar irradiance and weather data from various global locations (Figure 4), and taking each of the aforementioned assumptions into account, the projected range of algal biomass production is between 38 and 47 g m-2 d-1 (Weyer et al., 2008), which is in agreement other predictions (Figure 3). Current values for commercial biomass production in open ponds are typically 2­20 g m-2 d-1, which provide sufficient profit margins for high-value products such as P — carotene, but are anticipated to meet the demands of cost-effective biofuel production in the near future. A new partnership between Seambiotic and the Israeli Electric Company has plans to produce algal biomass inexpensively for use as biofuel, with operating costs and profit margins listed in Table 1.

Подпись: Nature Beta Technologies Commercial Plant $500,000 (20 Employees) $180,000 $36,000 $50,000 $150,000 $200,000 $20,000 $30,000 $1,166,000 Подпись:Annual Expenses (USD yr-1)

10-ha Raceway Farm Manpower Electricity Nutrients Land

Carbon Dioxide Sea Water Fresh Water

Miscellaneous Expenditures Total Revenue

Biomass Production (yr-1) 70 tons (at 2 g m-2 d-1) 700 tons (at 20 g m-2 d-1)

Biomass Cost (USD kg-1) $17.00 $0.34

Market Price (USD kg-1) $4,000 (D. salina P-carotene) < $0.50 (Potential Biofuels)

Table 1. Cost analysis of microalgal biomass production facilities in Israel (Reprinted with permission from Dr. Ami Ben-Amotz).