Coherence is a fundamental property of a quantum field in which coherent quanta give rise to an order extending over a long distance within which there is a finite probability of finding the system in this order-related state [100]. It is demonstrated in an organism by the movements that are fully coordinated at macroscopic to the molecular levels [90]. The metabolic functioning of living systems has revealed nanomechanical and electrical oscillations in the frequency range of 0.4 to 1.6 kHz, that were found in the yeast, S. cerevisiae using atomic force microscopy. If metabolic function was chemically inhibited, the oscillations ceased. It was concluded that the oscillations were consistent with cellular metabolism of molecular motors and may be part of a communication pathway or pumping mechanism by which the yeast cell supplements the passive diffusion of nutrients and/ or drives transport of chemicals across the cell wall [101-103]. Physical signal transmission were also found in bacterial cells, where growth-pro- moting/regulating phonons or sonic vibrations, were effectively transmit­ted over a distance of at least 30 cm in air, through 2.5 mm plastic barrier, as well as a 2 mm iron plate to distant cultures [104]. Further, sound waves generated from a speaker at specific frequencies promoted colony forma­tion under non-permissive stress conditions [105].

Remarkably, it has been found that even biological events tradition­ally considered chemically based, such as the lock-and-key model for ol­faction, may actually rely more fundamentally on quantum scale atomic processes of inelastic electron tunneling from the donor to a receptor for critical discrimination [106,107]. For example in photosynthesis, light en­ergy is ultimately transduced into chemical and electronic energy through the apparatus of the photosynthetic reaction center. Here the excitation of a chlorophyll molecule by the photon’s energy initiates a series of charge — transfer processes from the antenna pigments to the reaction center via quantum coherence energy transfer [108]. The first steps are so fast that quantum dynamics of the nuclear motion needs to be accounted for as well as electron tunneling [109]. The wave-like characteristics of this energy transfer can explain the extreme efficiency that allows the light harvesting complex to sample vast areas of phase space to find the most efficient path [110].

Most notably, it was discovered that all living biological systems emit ultra-weak photons, or biophotons, which exhibit very unique physical characteristics during spontaneous emission and delayed luminescence. The hyperbolic decay and oscillations of these electromagnetic emissions or biophotons, in the optical regime have been observed experimentally and are indicative of coherent emission in accordance with multimodal laser theory. Coherent electromagnetic radiation strongly suggests the ca­pacity for electromagnetic pathways in intercellular communication [111]. Groups of molecules cannot emit independently from each other because the distance between cells is smaller than the wavelength of the radiation they emit. Since they are coupled by a common radiation field, they will always be coherent [112]. Inside a coherent region or domain, energy trav­els in a wave-like fashion, whereas in non-coherent domains the energy propagates in a diffusive manner [72]. This coupling field consists of inter­ference patterns reflecting the structure of the antenna system, i. e., groups of molecules, to which it is feedback coupled. Any field has a coherence space-time in which coherent states may exist by having a region where the phase is defined. Outside this region, the phase information is lost, but within it, the interference patterns are formed and a particle loses its clas­sical pictures. Thus the particles and fields within the coherence region must be considered as an indivisible whole [112]. Gurwitsch first discov­ered coherent emission of ultraweak luminescence on the tips of onions roots in the 1920’s. Modern interpretations of biophotonics conceptualize organisms as biological lasers of optically coupled emitters and absorbers operating at the laser threshold. A technical systems such as a laser, has a fixed coherence region or volume, while organisms may have a multitude of different coherence volumes, which can exist simultaneously and can overlap and demonstrate dynamic properties. The physical components of an organism is coupled with what can be described as a highly coherent, holographic, biophoton field, which has been proposed to be the basis of biological communication at all levels of organization. The components of the organism are seen to be connected in such a way by phase relations of the field that they are instantly informed about each in real-time. The coherent states appear to be fundamental for biological systems since they enable optimization of organization, information quality, pattern recogni­tion and regulation of biochemical and morphogenetic processes [112]. It has been proposed that enzyme dynamics are an outcome of the coher­ent electromagnetic structure of living systems. Enzymes exhibit selective interactions with specific molecules which strongly suggest the existence of a coherent medium since the molecules no longer interact through ran­dom collisions. Classically enzymes are depicted as chemical polymers, however upon applying quantum electrodynamics (QED) principles an enzyme is projected as a coherent domain of its component monomers bound by electrodynamic as opposed to chemical attraction [72].

In various biophotonic experiments with cultures of the unicellular alga Acetabularia acetabulum exposed to variety of influences such as varying salt concentrations, chloroform, and temperature modulation, it was concluded that the delayed luminescence was not solely a function of the primary delayed photochemical fluorescence events of the photo­synthetic apparatus. However, it demonstrated global correlations and in­formation about the organization of streaming motility of the chloroplast and the cytoplasmic structure of the cell [113]. The cytoskeleton is an important milieu for providing coherent events being the basis for acous — tic/photonic transmission. In established A. acetabulum cultures the indi­vidual cells form extensive electromechanical interactions where phase boundaries and mechanical tensions play an important role, which may be closely connected with biochemical changes and ultimately in a collective biophoton emission pattern [114].