Above observations show growth stimulation by magnetic treatment in a diverse array of organisms (from prokaryotic to eukaryotic) and a va­riety of stimulative responses by each organism under varied conditions of treatment and growth. While former indicates at some general mode of mechanism(s), the later gives an impression in contrast to it. Lack of adequate information eludes a consensus on the mechanism(s). Several factors appear to be affecting the stimulation process. The flux generat­ing system, intensity of the flux, type of the flux (oscillatory or static), orientation of magnetic poles, duration of exposure, cell density and cell environment (for example type of medium and its ingredients) and other physicochemical conditions affect the process of biostimulation through electromagnetic forces. It has also been marked that the results sometimes do not show repeatability at other locations suggesting that local geomag­netic realities might also affect the process of stimulation.

Подпись: Electromagnetic Biostimulation of Living Cultures for Biotechnology 1 73


FIGURE 4: Concept map of an EMF bio stimulation at different levels of living systems.


There are physiological effects other than growth that have been ob­served. These are processes such as carbon uptake, sugar synthesis and oxygen evolution in photosynthesis, synthesis of pigments (chlorophyll, carotenoids and phycocyanins), carbohydrates and proteins, accumulation of micro and trace metals and essential amino acids, fermentative activ­ity and even genetic processes like transposition. They can be stimulated under specific conditions adopted in the experiments. Only one study [29] specifically referred to lipids reported a decline in lipid content under the particular set of treatment. It may be worth noting that an exposure to surprisingly low levels of exogenous electromagnetic fields can have a profound effect on a large variety of biological systems [1]. A number of mechanisms have been proposed for observable magnetobiological and bioelectromagnetic effects at different levels [51]. A concept map, demon­strating different levels of the EMF influence is shown in Figure 4