Google announces first fully functional build of self-driving prototype

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Google announces first fully functional build of self-driving prototype

23 December 2014

In a post on Google+, Google engineers announced that they have assembled a fully functional prototype for fully autonomous driving; the vehicle unveiled earlier this year was an “early mockup”.


Since then, we’ve been working on different prototypes-of-prototypes, each designed to test different systems of a self-driving car—for example, the typical “car” parts like steering and braking, as well as the “self-driving” parts like the computer and sensors. We’ve now put all those systems together in this fully functional vehicle—our first complete prototype for fully autonomous driving.

The prototype is headed for Google’s test track; engineers are targeting road-testing in Northern California in 2015.

December 23, 2014 in Brief | Permalink

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Well done google.
(It is the little «toy» like car).
I wonder how long it will take them to get it up to 30, 35, 40 mph [ I assume it is capable of this mechanically ].

Interesting article in theoatmeal

«Google self-driving cars are timid».
and so on…

Worth a look.

The trick will be to increase the level of assertiveness so it is not a pain to be stuck behind on the of them without killing (or badly frightening) anyone.

Interesting times ahead.

I like the idea of self driving cars, except if they drive too slow due to programmed lack of confidence.

These cars will be considered until the first time one is brought to a halt by a mob that the car refuses to run over or hit, and the occupants pulled out and killed.

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