4 minutes with… Gernot Trolf, CEO of AATIC

1b7b04c1b7b04cTell us about your organization and it’s role in the advanced bioeconomy.

We are a financial sourcing company for GREEN renewable energy projects.

Tell us about your role and what you are focused on in the next 12 months.

We match the funder/investor with the project of their choice with a bit of our suggestions. Just matched a water project with a funder for about $300m. Seeking additional funders/investors for our WTE, Algae to Fuel and other renewable energy projects.

What do you feel are the most important milestones the industry must achieve in the next 5 years?

Funding by government sources to speed up renewable energy project developments to stop using oil, coal, and gas to save the earth.

If you could snap your fingers and change one thing about the Advanced Bioeconomy, what would you change?

Lobbying by the oil, coal and gas monopolies.

Of all the reasons that influenced you to join the Advanced Bioeconomy industry, what single reason stands out for you as still being compelling and important to you.

Getting rid of pollution by oil, coal and gas plants.

Where are you from? 

Salzburg, Austria.

What was your undergraduate major in college, and where did you attend? Why did you choose that school and that pathway? 

Merchant Academy Salzburg. BA and hotel management.

Who do you consider your mentors. What have you learned from them?

There were many people who lent a hand, gave advice and pointed my in the right direction.

What’s the biggest lesson you ever learned during a period of adversity?

Stay in there, see it through and come out winning. If impossible make the best out of it and consider it a lesson learned.

What hobbies do you pursue, away from your work in the industry? 

Living on the beach, photography and my parrot.

What 3 books would you take to read, if stranded on a desert island?

A good science fiction anthology, a Clive Cussler book and the manual to whatever stranded with me.

What books or articles are on your reading list right now, or you just completed and really enjoyed?

Clive Cussler,David Baldacchi, Heinz G. Konsalik and Inga Clendennen with her fascinating book about the Azteks.

What’s your favorite city or place to visit, for a holiday?

Where I live,. San Diego, CA.

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