ABO, Growth Energy, BIO respond to House hearing on EPA’s management of the RFS

In Washington, the House Government Reform and Oversight Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care, and Entitlements held a hearing last week on the “EPA’s management of the renewable fuel standard program.” Growth Energy, and BIO have released the following statements regarding EPA’s delays in administering the RFS. Additionally, the Algae Biomass Organization submitted comments to the Subcommittee, calling on Congress to ensure that the Renewable Fuels Standard includes timely approval for advanced biofuel pathways as well as requirements for advanced biofuel volumes that match production capacity.

Growth Energy’s statement:
“While the delay from the EPA is frustrating to stakeholders and Congress alike, it is important that the EPA get their methodology and the final RFS numbers for 2014 right. The EPA’s proposed rule was flawed from the beginning. There was no way the methodology in the proposed rule would ever work, as it went against the very purpose and policy goals of the RFS. Hopefully, the EPA can get back on track, establish certainty among stakeholders and implement the RFS as it was originally envisioned.

“The RFS has been the most successful energy policy in over forty years. It has created jobs and bolstered rural America, improved our environment and reduced our dependence on foreign oil by nearly 50 percent, all while providing consumers a choice and savings at the pump. This is an energy policy that is working. It is irresponsible to rely solely on fossil fuels, and we should not put all our eggs in one basket when it comes to our national and energy security.

“I encourage the EPA to act swiftly to produce a final rule that ensures that the methodology allows our industry to move forward and invest in the additional production of biofuels, which will help grow an American industry that creates jobs, reduces our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels, reduces carbon pollution and creates new economic opportunities all over the country.”
BIO’s statement:

“EPA’s failure to issue a final 2014 RFS rule and other ongoing administrative delays are being misconstrued by some in Congress as a sign that the program is broken. Nothing could be further from the truth. The underlying program has worked as intended to spur innovation and growth in the biofuels space, reducing our reliance on foreign oil along with greenhouse gas emissions.
“The RFS works for companies that invest in, build and start up new advanced and cellulosic biorefineries here in the United States. This year, several new, large-scale cellulosic biofuel facilities began operations. The cleaner, smarter transportation fuel future we have hoped for is here.
“Unfortunately, EPA’s ongoing delays have chilled investment and financing of future projects, even as first-of-a-kind cellulosic biofuel plants start operations. The agency’s attempt to change the program to benefit the oil industry was unwarranted. And ongoing uncertainty about the future of the program will only further starve the advanced biofuel industry of necessary investment.
“Our hope is that Congressional oversight will result in greater regulatory efficiency by EPA in managing the RFS program.”

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