Off-the-grid truck house transforms into a spectacular fantasy castle

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eco-travel, mobile truck house, mobile house, off-the-grid house, tiny house, truck house, green transportation, rainwater harvesting, solar power, solar panels, castle truck house

The family of three decided to build a home which would suit their active lifestyle and allow them to travel without having to compromise on quality of life. Their castle house has beautifully crafted living and working areas, a kitchen and all the amenities and storage spaces needed for comfortable living.

Related: Truck Transformed Into Amazing Green Mobile Home

When parked, the house transforms into a fun structure that allows the family to experience the outdoors. A sleeping loft raises from above the truck and creates a space for relaxing. The turrets function as bathrooms-the left one houses a composting toilet, and a shower and a small washing machine are in the second. Solar panels on the roof are used to heat water while tanks below the truck serve as rainwater storage.

+ Living Big in a Tiny House

Via Make: and Living Big in a Tiny House