Liquid radioactive waste

Liquid RAW can be divided into process drains, floor drains and laundry drains based on the sources of waste generation. It is mainly generated from the clean-up and maintenance processes of reactor coolant and related systems containing radioactivity. In general, liquid RAW is treated with evaporators, demineralizers, and/or filters. The effluent is released to the sea after monitoring whether the radioactivity of liquid effluent is lower than regulatory limits. It is also common for liquid wastes to be treated with ultracentrifugation, ion exchange, and reverse osmosis.

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST Notice No. 2008-31) prescribes the effluent control limit (ECL) for liquid effluent being discharged into the environment at the restricted area boundary. Operators
must conduct periodic assessments for the expected off-site dose due to the liquid effluent discharged into the environment, and routinely report results to the regulatory body (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, KINS).