2008: looking for management solutions for LL-LLW

In June 2008, having identified 3,115 boroughs with a potentially favourable geology for the repository for long-lived low-level waste, ANDRA sent a call for volunteers through an information document to the mayors of the municipalities concerned. At the end of 2008, more than 40 municipalities declared themselves candidates to analyze the opportunity of such a repository. In June 2009, based on an analysis conducted by ANDRA, the government chose two of them (Auxon and Pars-les-Chavanges in the Aube Department) in which to conduct thorough geological and environ­mental investigations. However, under pressure from opponents, both municipalities withdrew from the project in July and August 2009. In June 2010, in the National Plan for the Management of Materials and Radioac­tive Waste (PNGMDR, 2010), the State set new guidelines for the project: based on further studies on knowledge, treatment and conditioning of LL-LLW, ANDRA must submit to the government (no later than 2012) a report outlining possible management scenarios for these wastes.