Operational waste from experimental reactors

The annual generation of low and intermediate liquid level waste from Polish research reactor operation ranges from 30 to 160 m3. The liquid waste is subjected to an evaporation process or is purified by sorption. The evapo­rator bottom concentrates are solidified by bituminisation or cementation and then disposed of at the near-surface type central repository at Rozan. Annual production of solid waste is in the range 5-20 m3 . Solid waste is compacted into carbon steel zinc-plated drums and then transported to the Roz an repository.

About 90% of the liquid waste originated from the Maria reactor opera­tion, while the rest comes from radioisotope production or after decontami­nation. Annual production of the solid waste from industry, hospitals or research activities is in the region of 15-40 m3, spent sealed sources of about 1,000 pieces and smoke detectors of about 20,000 pieces. There is some waste after uranium mining activities which took place in Lower Silesia in the south-west of the country which ended in 1968. There are some 100 dumps of waste rock and ore totalling approximately 1.4 x 106m3.