Research and Development of Innovative Technologies, Such as Accelerator-Driven Systems, Must Be Promoted to Encourage the Progress of Final Disposal

It is extremely important to shorten the lifetimes of many radioactive nuclei in nuclear wastes. The role of nuclear transmutation technology is one of the main themes of this Symposium. The accelerator-driven system is one of the most promising methods to transmute radioactive nuclei to those of shorter lifetimes.

In Japan, the Omega project, which includes an accelerator-driven system, has been discussed for more than 10 years. I have helped to establish the J-PARC because one of its purposes is to develop the transmutation technology.

I expect that Dr. Hiroyuki Oigawa will tell us about the accelerator-driven system.

I would like to learn about the present situation of the transmutation technology in Japan and in the world.

23.5.3 The Research and Development of Nuclear

Technologies for Reactor Decommissioning, Safety Technology, Back-end, etc., Must Be Promoted Intensively Through International Cooperation

Nuclear technologies for reactor decommissioning, safety technology, back-end, etc., must be urgently developed. They are very important, especially in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi Accident.

These technologies, however, are also desired in all countries that already have nuclear power stations, and also in countries which are planning nuclear power stations. These technologies therefore should be researched and developed through international cooperation. Fukushima would be a very good candidate for us to construct an international center for researching and developing technologies for reactor decommissioning.

23.2 Conclusion

For the future of human beings, nuclear technology is indispensable to guarantee the safety of energy and to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere, which causes global warming.

For promoting nuclear technology, we must encourage young researchers to be interested in nuclear science and engineering. Education is very important for this purpose.

You who are experts in nuclear science and technology should be very proud of your specialty. It is the most important time for you to solve very difficult problems after the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. I sincerely hope that you will overcome this crisis caused by the Fukushima accident.

Let us change the misfortune into good luck for the future of human beings.

I hope that this Symposium will succeed in producing good fruits.

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