Human Beings Cannot Avoid Depending on Nuclear Energy as Well as Other Energy Resources, Including Renewable Energy, Which Do Not Emit CO2 into the Air

It is now very clear that it is almost impossible for renewable energy to replace fossil fuel in the near future. Both nuclear energy and renewable energy are necessary, not only in Japan but also in the world. At the same time we must develop a new technology to compensate for CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.

23.1 Nuclear Technology Must be Developed

23.5.1 Safety Technology of Nuclear Energy Must Be Developed for the Future

Concerning nuclear energy, we must not stop researching and developing new advanced reactors in which greater safety is guaranteed against natural calamities as well as manmade disaster. Small-scale nuclear reactors also should be developed to decentralize electric power stations. If economical problems are overcome, smaller-scale reactors might be easier to guarantee safety.

23.5.2 Technology for the Back-end of the Nuclear Fuel