Methodology. Neutronics Calculation

Several codes were combined for ADS design (Fig. 19.1) containing proton transport, neutron transport, cross-section preparation, and depletion. The PHITS code [2] was used for transportation of protons and neutrons above the energy boundary of 20 MeV. Transportation of neutrons slowing down less than 20 MeV is interrupted, and position, direction, and energy are stored in a cutoff file. This file is processed as to be readable by the PARTISN code [3], which is a neutron transport code with multi-group theory. A 73-group cross section is prepared by SLAROM [4] code with the JENDL4.0 [5] nuclear data library. A 1-group micro-cross section is calculated by multiplying the 73-group cross section to the 73-group flux from PARTISN. One-group micro-cross section and total flux is used in the ORIGEN2

Fig. 19.1 Calculation


code [6] to obtain material change after depletion. The material composition from ORIGEN2 is processed by a fuel control program that simulates reprocessing and fuel fabrication with adjustment of MA content ratio.