Design of Core with MA-Hydride Target

Table 16.1 and Fig. 16.3 show the core specification and layout with hydride targets. The core layout is based on the Japanese prototype fast reactor Monju. The thermal power is 714 MWt, the diameter of the active core is about 1,800 mm, and the height is 930 mm. The 54 hydride MA-hydride target assemblies are located at the inner most row in the three radial blanket rows. Each assembly contains 61 MA-hydride target pins, where the diameter of the pellets is set at 10.4 mm and the stack length is 930 mm. The ratio of H/M (M=MA+Zr) is considered to be 1.6. The composition of MA is assumed that derived from the typical large LWR discharged fuel, that is, 237Np/241Am/242mAm/243Am/243Cm/244Cm/245Cm/246 Cm = 0.5200/0.2493/0.0010/0.1663/0.0006/0.0592/0.0031/0.0006.

Reactor type

Fast breeder reactor

Cooling system

Sodium cooled (loop-type)

Thermal output

714 MW

Electrical output

280 MW


Mixed oxide

Plutonium enrichment

Inner/outer 16/21(% Pu fission)

Average burn-up

80,000 MWd/t

Cladding material

SS 316

Table 16.1 Major core specifications for minor actinides (MA) transmutation
