Neutron Flux Distribution

Neutron flux distribution is drastically changed with the change in subcriticality of the system, because of the change in the number of fuel rods in the core. Fig­ures 13.2, 13.3, and 13.4 show the neutron flux distribution along the central line from T-target to core for 13 fuel rods case in eigenvalue mode and time-dependent mode, respectively. Neutron flux distribution evaluated in time-dependent mode changes as a function of elapsed time after the injection of D-T neutrons, and the shape of neutron flux distribution is almost stable after 1e~4 s (Figs. 13.3 and 13.4). The comparison of neutron flux between two modes shows the discrepancy (Figs. 13.5 and 13.6). Thermal neutron flux distribution of the time-dependent mode is smaller at fuel region, but higher at the reflector region, than those of eigenvalue mode, although fast neutron flux distribution is almost the same between the two modes. Figures 13.5 and 13.6 also show that the neutron spectrum is different between two modes, and the details are discussed in the next section.