Analysis and Discussion of Neutron Flux

The analysis results of neutron flux distribution and neutron spectrum are summa­rized in this chapter with some discussion. Neutron flux distribution and spectrum in the core are shown in Sects. 13.3.1 and 13.3.2, respectively. All analyses are done by a continuous energy Monte Carlo code named MVP-II [2] with JENDL-4.0 [3] library. The code has the function to simulate the experiment not only in eigenvalue mode but also in time-dependent mode, where the necessary time of neutron flight is used to account for the elapsed time after the injection of DT neutrons.

In this chapter, fast and thermal neutrons are in the energy range less than 4 eV and more than 100 keV, respectively.

Fig. 13.1 Typical core configuration (13 fuel rods case). T-target tritium target

Table 13.1 Measured subcriticality in the Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA) experiment

Number of fuel rods

Measured subcriticality [$] (standard deviation: 1o)


2.32 (0.02)


6.40 (0.08)


10.9 (0.2)


13.4 (0.2)


28.2 (1.1)


49.4 (1.0)