Test apparatus

Fig. 4 shows the schematic diagram of a test apparatus, which was used in order to investigate compatibility between a flowing aqueous K2MoO4 solution and a structural material and the chemical stability of the solution. The test apparatus consists of a immersion container for immersing specimens under flow, a glass storage tank with a volume of about 700 cm3, a thermocouple inside the storage tank for solution temperature measurement, a feed pump to circulate the solution, a flowmeter, Teflon tubes with an inner diameter of 7.5 mm to connect each component, two syringes, which were used for depressurization, solution supply, air purge and solution sampling, a data logger to collect temperature data and to monitor the temperature and so on. Some components such as the immersion container and the storage tank were installed into a heating chamber to heat the solution.


Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of test apparatus for compatibility test

The immersion container consists of a glass outer tube with an outer diameter of 22 mm and a height of 62.5 mm and a Teflon inner holder with an inner diameter of 13 mm and a height of 60 mm, and two specimens (specimen 1 and 2) were fixed in the center of the container by the holder as shown in Fig. 5 and they were arranged one above the other in the container. The storage tank was located upstream of the immersion container to keep the solution temperature constant and to prevent the solution from pulsating by the feed pump. In addition to the storage tank, a looped long Teflon tube connected between the pump and the storage tank was used to keep the solution temperature in the heating chamber. The total length of the circulation route of the solution was about 6.8 m, and the total quantity of circulating solution was about 300 cm3 except the volume of the storage tank.

Подпись: Ш (b) Top view

, ’ (a) Side view

‘ ’. ‘ To watch the specimens,

‘ one part of the Teflon inner tube was removed j ‘ in this picture.

Fig. 5. Structure of immersion container