Sand flow behaviour

Sand flow analysis showed blocking behaviour of the sand starting from the air outflow side, when a critical air flow velocity was exceeded. The blocking increases with growing air flow velocity and a decrease of sand grain size, see Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 Blocking of sand flow starting from the air outflow side (left side), sand grain size: 0.4-0.8 mm, Averaged air inflow velocities: 0.4 m/s (left figure), 1.1 m/s (middle), 1.9 m/s (right)

Подпись: Sand flow analysis showed blocking behaviour of the sand starting from the air outflow side, when a critical air flow velocity was exceeded. The blocking increases with growing air flow velocity and a decrease of sand grain size, see Fig. 4. Fig. 4 Blocking of sand flow starting from the air outflow side (left side), sand grain size: 0.4-0.8 mm, Averaged air inflow velocities: 0.4 m/s (left figure), 1.1 m/s (middle), 1.9 m/s (right)

After mounting of the steel screens the heat transfer was to be analysed. According to the simulation results a cross flow specific temperature field, as shown in Fig. 2 with a high sand outflow temperature and a low air outflow temperature was expected. Different from this fluctuating sand and air outflow temperatures were measured indicating discontinuous sand flow.

As a consequence to ensure steady and efficient heat exchanger operation, the critical air velocity specific for each sand grain size must not be exceeded.