Puf content of MOX fuel

MOX fuel assemblies have a zoning configuration with three different contents of plutonium as shown in Fig. 3.64. The reactivity of MOX fuel assembly is determined by the assembly-averaged Puf content. Plutonium used in MOX fuel has been reprocessed and recovered from spent fuel of various types of reactors and therefore it has various isotope compositions. The assembly-averaged Puf content is set to give a proper reactivity corresponding to plutonium isotope composition. As a currently implemented method to set the assembly-averaged Puf content, the MOX fuel assembly to give the same reactivity as 235U 4.1 wt% uranium fuel at 28,100 MWd/t is used as a criterion for the appropriate reactivity [41]. The enrichment of 4.1 wt% and burnup of 28,100 MWd/t are the enrich­ment and the core average burnup at EOC for the typical uranium fuel in the standard 3-loop PWR (See Problem 6 at the end of this chapter). To match reactivity at the core average burnup of EOC means that MOX-fueled core has the same operating cycle length as the uranium-fueled core.

Figure 3.65 compares variation in the infinite multiplication factor between typical MOX fuel and 235U 4.1 wt% uranium fuel. The MOX fuel shows a milder variation in infinite multiplication factor with burnup than the uranium fuel and the line intersects that of the uranium fuel at a point. The infinite multiplication factor line of MOX fuel moves up and down with almost the same slope as Puf content increases and decreases. Therefore, a proper reactivity of MOX fuel can be obtained by adjusting Puf content responding to plutonium isotope compositions in MOX fuel

image513— Uranium Fuel with 4.1wt% Enrichment — MOX Fuel

28 100 MWd/t

Burnup [MWd/t]

Подпись: Fig. 3.65 Comparison of infinite multiplication factor between MOX and Uranium fuels [41] (Copyright Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., 2014 all rights reserved)
Подпись: Fig. 3.66 Relation between fissile (Puf) content and fissile (Puf) fraction [41] (Copyright Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., 2014 all rights reserved)

fabrication. Practically, the reactivity worth of each plutonium isotope is replaced with an equivalent reactivity worth of 239Pu, referred to as the equivalent fissile method [41]. Figure 3.66 shows the relation between Puf content and Puf fraction set by the equivalent fissile method.


Fig. 3.67 Outline flow of PWR core management

[2] Reactor Power Uprating

Reactor Power Uprating for PWRs are evaluated considering the same effects as for BWRs mentioned in the list [5] of Sect. 3.2.6 and the range of facility modification is determined. It has been reported that advanced safety analysis methods and development and introduction of advanced fuel are important for significant power uprating [42].