Europe’s first 100 % solar heated apartment building with a. seasonable heat accumulator and no auxiliary heating

P. Widmer

Jenni Energietechnik AG, Lochbachstrasse 22, CH-3414 Oberburg (Switzerland),
patrick. widmer@jenni. ch, www. jenni. ch


Europe’s first apartment block to be heated entirely by solar energy was completed 2007 in Oberburg, Switzerland.

Keywords: Solar energy, Solar tank, Apartment building, Solar collectors

1. Introduction

Fig. 1. Front side of the apartment block

Подпись:The heat for the eight apartments in the building is provided by 276 square metres of solar roof collectors which are connected to a water storage tank with 205’000 l capacity. The tenants will never have to pay any heating bills because there is no additional heating energy required.

The water tank, which stands upright in the middle of the building, has sufficient reserves to ensure enough water can be warmed to heat the building and provide hot water year round even with below average sunshine. The building meets the highest energy standards in Switzerland.


1st International Congress on Heating, Cooling, and Buildings — 7th to 10th October, Lisbon — Portugal /

Fig. 4. Installing the 276 m2 solar thermal collectors

Fig. 5. Finished building