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14 декабря, 2021
The rate of change of a material property can be related to displacement rate of carbon atoms (dpa s— ). However, it is not possible to directly measure dpas—1 in graphite, but dpas—1 can be related to the reactor flux. The flux depends on reactor design, and varies with position in the reactor core.
Neutron flux is a measure of the neutron population and speed in a reactor. In a reactor, neutrons move at a variety of speeds in randomly orientated directions. Neutron flux is defined as the product of the number of neutrons per unit volume moving at a given speed, as given by eqn [6] below.
number number /cm
f ——— — = « ————- 3- v — [6]
cm2 s cm3 s
Modified from Bell, J.; Bridge, H.; Cottrell, A.; Greenough, G.; Reynolds, W.; Simmons, J. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A Math. Phys. Sci. 1962, 254(1043), 361-395.
In this way, a measure of neutron damage at any position within a structural component can be defined as follows. For a material such as graphite,
Modified from Marsden, B. J. Irradiation damage in graphite due to fast neutrons in fission and fusion systems; IAEA, IAEA TECDOC — 1154; 2000. |
Table 7 Energies, cross-sections, and mean number of displacement for various particles
Source: Simmons, J. Radiation Damage in Graphite; Pergamon: London, 1965. |
for the standard position in DIDO. Hence, the EDNF or f d can be calculated at the position of interest. The equivalent DIDO nickel dose (fluence) (EDND) is derived by integrating EDNF over time, as given in eqn [12]:
fd(t )dt
Table 6 compares the calculated and measured graphite damage rates in various systems using the Thompson and Wright model.
Finally, for those wishing to try and reproduce damage in graphite using ion beams, Table 7 gives the energies, cross-sections, and mean number of displacement for various particles. Energy Above 0.18 MeV
Dahl and Yoshikawa22 noted that for energies above 0.065 MeV, eqn [13] was reasonably independent of reactor spectrum under consideration:
f(E )ff(E)v(E)dE
f(£>£0 = 1 [13]
Equation [13] is the integral of graphite displacement for a position in the particular reactor of interest, divided by the integral of flux from E1 (0.065 MeV in this case) to infinity at the same position. Table 8 gives this ratio for two other values of E1.
(E)f(E, t)dE
fG = 1 — 1 [14]
(E)w(E)dE/ w(E)dE
0 d 0
Equation [14] is essentially graphite dpa divided by a normalized fission flux. A similar unit is defined by Simmons4 in his book. However, the use of this unit was never taken up for general use. Fluence Conversion Factors
Table 9 gives the conversion factor from other units to EDND. The following should be noted:
• EDND is a definition,
• Calder equivalent dose and other units relating damage to fuel ratings are approximate,
• BEPO equivalent dose is a thermal unit and should be avoided,
• Energies above En are a good approximation,
• dpa is directly proportional to EDND. Irradiation Annealing and EDT
The reasoning behind the use of equivalent DIDO temperature (EDT) is that if two specimens are irradiated to the same fluence over two different time periods, the specimen irradiated faster will contain the most irradiation damage. The reasoning is that the specimen irradiated at the slower rate would have a longer time available to allow for ‘annealing’ out of defects caused by fast neutron damage as outlined below.
The rate of accumulation of damage dC/dt can be described by eqn [15].
Table 9 Conversion factors to EDND
Modified from Marsden, B. J. Irradiation damage in graphite due to fast neutrons in fission and fusion systems; IAEA, IAEA TECDOC-1154; 2000. |
where ф is the flux, E is the activation energy, T is temperature (K), and k is Boltzmann’s constant. Equating the damage rate for two identical samples at different flux levels ф1 and ф2 and different temperatures T1 and T2,
ф1 = ф2 4-щ) e4-щ)
Rearranging this gives the EDT relationship:
1___ 1 = k і (ф)2
01 02 E n ф )1
The term on the left is the difference in the reciprocal of the temperatures in the two systems (temperature has traditionally been given the symbol ‘0 ’ when used in this context) and the term on the right contains the natural log ofthe damage flux (or fluence) in the two systems divided by each other. In practice, the activation energy E is an empirical constant.
The use of EDT has recently been investigated24 at temperatures above 300 °C. The authors concluded that the use of EDT was inappropriate (Figure 8). However, below 300 °C, there was some evidence of the applicability,15 but at these lower temperatures there is little reliable data. Therefore, the use of the EDT concept is not recommended for modern graphite moderated reactors where the graphite is usually irradiated above 300 °C.