. Recent Revisions in Understanding of Irradiation Creep Dependence of irradiation creep on dpa rate

As mentioned earlier, once swelling begins, irradia­tion creep quickly assumes all the parametric depen­dencies of void swelling. However, for many years it
was assumed that the B0 component of creep was also strongly dependent on dpa rate, increasing as the dpa rate fell, as shown in Figure 81.

The original research that established this percep­tion was performed by Lewthwaite and Mosedale on various cold-worked steels in the Dounreay Fast Reactor at temperatures in the 270-350 °C range.178

Подпись: Figure 79 (a) Deformation observed in pressurized tubes of 20% cold-worked AISI 316 irradiated in EBR-II at 550°C. Reproduced from Porter, D. L.; Garner, F. A. J. Nucl. Mater. 1988, 159, 114-121; Porter, D. L.; Garner, F. A. In Effects of Radiation on Materials: 13 International Symposium (Part II) Influence of Radiation on Material Properties; ASTM STP 956; 1987; pp 11-21. Note that doubling the hoop stress from (from 15 to 30ksi: 103 to 206 MPa) does not double the deformation rate, which never exceeds 0.33% per dpa. (b) Density measurements on the 30ksi (206 MPa) tube show that stress accelerates the rate of swelling, but also causes the creep rate to approach zero at high swelling levels.
Подпись: Figure 78 Creep and swelling strains observed in annealed 347 stainless clad fuel pins irradiated in EBR-II, showing the disappearance of further creep strain as irradiation continues. Reproduced from Appleby, W. K.; Hilbert, R. F.; Bailey, R. W. In Proceedings Conference on Irradiation Embrittlement and Creep in Fuel Cladding and Core Components; British Nuclear Energy Society: London, 1972, pp 209-216. These data were originally explained in terms of fuel-clad interaction acting as the major source of stress in the cladding, with fuel contact and stress-driven creep eventually terminated by the onset of clad swelling to move the clad away from the fuel. Continually increasing gas loading was actually the primary loading on the cladding, not the fuel.

The explanation advanced for such a dependence was the decreasing amount of annihilation of point defects by recombination at lower dpa rates, where such an effect is expected to be more pronounced at the lower irradiation temperatures characteristic of this experiment.

An earlier review article was published where this and other data sets were assessed to determine the appropriate rate dependence.1 Some data sets avail­able at that time supported a flux dependence and other data sets supported an independence of dpa rate. On balance it appeared that a strong depen­dence of irradiation creep rate on dpa rate was the more defendable conclusion.

With hindsight and additional published data sup­porting the opposite conclusion, it was later realized that apparent dependence of creep rate on dpa rate was an artifact of the analysis procedure used by

Mosedale and Lewthwaite. The authors had not prop­erly separated the transient and post-transient strains, and all of the lower flux data were in the higher-rate transient regime. When the DFR creep data were reanalyzed by Garner and Toloczko, the creep com­pliance B0 was found to be independent of dpa rate.179