Parametric Dependencies of Void Swelling

The duration of the transient regime of swelling in austenitic and high-nickel steels is known to be exceptionally sensitive to irradiation parameters but also to be very sensitive to fine details of composition, heat treatment, and mechanical processing. It would require a very long article to review all of the para­metric sensitivities of the transient duration to such a wide array of variables, so only a brief summary will be presented here. The reader is referred to Garner1,116 for a more detailed description. Stress state

The dependence of void swelling on stress state is an example of a second-order sensitivity mentioned at the beginning of this section. If a material swells rather easily, stress has only a small or unnoticeable effect on swelling. If the transient regime is large, however, stress can shorten the transient significantly. The effect of stress during irradiation is almost always to increase swelling. One significant exception arises if an annealed steel is subjected to a load above its yield stress during the rise to power. This often leads to a decrease in swelling relative to that pro­duced at a stress below yield. In effect, the steel is plastically deformed and warm-worked during the rise to power, raising the dislocation density.

Applied stresses have been shown to participate in the evolution of Frank loop and dislocation evolution and to produce the anisotropy of Burger’s vector distribution that is important to the operation of irradiation creep.123 Since shear stresses also assist in the unfaulting of Frank loops and in the evolution toward quasi-equilibrium network densities, it is not surprising that applied stress accelerates the onset of swelling. Although most previously reported experi­ments involved only tensile stress states, some experi­ments suggested that both tensile and compressive stress states shortened the transient regime.1 Two recent studies have convincingly shown that the hydro­static component of stress is relatively unimportant and that it is the deviatoric component or shear stress that accelerates swelling.12 ,125 This is especially evi­dent for loads applied to springs where there is a pure shear stress state without a hydrostatic component. In this case stress-enhanced swelling is also observed.124

Until recently it was not known if the stress — enhanced increment of swelling during constantly applied stress was distributed isotropically or not. A recent publication by Gilbert and Garner showed that both the stress-free and stress-enhanced incre­ments of swelling were distributed isotropically.126

The history of the stress state is as important as its magnitude and relative contribution of shear and hydrostatic components. In fuel pins, for instance, the stress is initially low and builds up slowly. In this case, swelling is usually in progress long before stress can participate. In pressurized tubes, however, creep starts long before swelling begins. The loop and dislocation microstructures of the swelling-before­creep and creep-before-swelling scenarios are differ­ent and therefore the swelling and creep behaviors are also somewhat different.1

Stress can also leave a memory in a component after the stress is removed and irradiation continues.123,127 Garner and coworkers recently showed that when stress was removed from previously stressed tubes they continued for a short time to distribute mass in the directions dictated by irradiation creep in response to the stress state characteristic of a pressur­ized tube, although the memory faded as irradiation continued.127 The memory is thought to reside in the stress-induced anisotropic distribution of Burger’s vec­tors, which was eventually replaced with an isotropic distribution.