Sink strengths of other defects

The sink strengths of other defects can be obtained in a similar way. For dislocation loops of a toroidal shape97


kL(v, i) = 2pRlZL4




where Rl and r^e are the loop radius and the effec­tive core radii for absorption of vacancies and SIAs, respectively. Similar to dislocations, the capture effi­ciency for SIAs is larger than that of vacancies, ZL > ZL, for loops.

For a spherical GB of radius Rg (see, e. g., Singh

et a/.98)


m is the shear modulus, n the Poisson ratio and DO the dilatation volume of the PD under consideration. The solution of eqn [35] in this case was obtained by Ham95 but is not reproduced here because of its complexity. It has been shown that a reasonably accurate approximation is obtained by treating the dislocation as an absorbing cylinder with radius R, = Aeg/4kBT, where g = 0.5772 is Euler’s con — stant.95 The solution is then given by


K (kr) Ko(kRd)





C (r)




where K0(x) is the modified Bessel function of zero order. Using eqns [47] and [57], one obtains the total flux of PDs to a dislocation and the dislocation sink strength as

I = -2nRdPdDJ (Rd) = k1iD(C1 — Ceq) [58]



kL/2coth(kL/2) — 1







In the limiting case of kL ^ 1, that is, when the foil surfaces are the main sinks,


k2 = ra Z

Zd 2p












Подпись: Cv(r)Подпись: [73]